Chapter 37

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POV Maddie (1 week later)

Today was the day. It was the day the boys were leaving. The day Louis was leaving Mackenzie and Liam was leaving me. To say I was upset would be a massive understatement. I couldn't sleep at all the night before because of how devastated I was.

I rolled out of bed and put on some jeans and a green day t-shirt and then made my way to the kitchen where I found Mackenzie with a sad expression. "I can't believe he's leaving" I sigh and sit down at one of the stools.

"Neither can I. I can't imagine what it will be like without the boys around. Especially Louis" she replies.

"How am I gonna cope without Liam" I frown and then I hear a beep sound and Mackenzie pulls her phone out of her pocket and her expression becomes even worse.

"The car will be here in 5" she says.

5 minutes later the doorbell rung and Mackenzie and I both made our way to the door to reveal Liam and Louis. "I can't believe you're leaving today" I say and run into Liam's arms.

"Neither can I" he replies.

"We need to go!" I hear a voice yell from the black van waiting for us.

"Let's go then" Louis frowns and we all get into the car. Paul and Preston are in the 2 front seats and then Niall, Zayn and Harry are in the 3 middle seats and then Louis, Mackenzie, Liam and I are in the last row but there are only 3 seats so I need to sit on Liam's lap.

We quickly arrive at the airport and luckily there are no fans there. Security then grabs the boys bags and then Paul hands them their boarding passes.

We all walk into the airport and stop right before the security checkpoint. I decided I will say goodbye to Liam last so I first go over to Zayn. "Goodbye Zaynie" I say and he wraps me into a tight hug.

"I can't believe we're leaving. We'll be back soon, goodbye Mads" Zayn reassures me. I then unwrap myself from Zayn's grip and make my way to Niall.

"I'm gonna miss you Maddie" Niall says and he pulls me into one of his famous Horan hugs.

"I'll miss you to Ni" I say and then make my way to Louis.

"You better call Mackenzie everyday" I say seriously.

"Of course!" He explains and then wraps me into a hug.

"See ya soon Tommo" I say and then I hear him say a faint 'bye' and then I make my way to Harry and he instantly wraps me into a hug.

"Can't believe we're leaving" he says.

"I'll miss you Haz" I say into his chest.

"I'll miss you too Maddie" he replies and then I make my way to the last one. Liam. I suddenly feel the tears start to drip down my face and I feel Liam's large arms pull me into his chest.

"I don't wanna go" he breathes.

"I-I don't wa-a-ant y-y-you to g-go either" I stutter, due to the crying.

"Don't cry baby, I'll me home before you know it" he reassures me. "I'll text you, call you, Skype you everyday" he adds.

"I w-w-will too" I reply. I then feel the familiar sweetness of Liam's on mine and this kiss was like no other we had had before. It was full of love and commitment.

"We gotta go now" Paul says from behind us. The boys then frown and say a quick goodbye and then they disappear through security.

Mackenzie and I are then driven back to our house and the rest of the day is very quiet. None of us talk because we are too upset. That night the tears drip onto my pillow case as I cry myself to sleep.

Summer Love (Liam Payne FanFic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin