{Luke Skywalker} Hold on Pt. 2 [Request]

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You sit on one of the plush couches in the circular room Lando has provided for the four of you. Leia paces back and forth. Finally, she throws up her arms. "____, I don't know about all of this. I don't trust Lando, and to be quite honest, I can't believe Han would just because they were once old friends."
     You ponder this for a moment, "I know, but they're helping us with repairs, giving us a place to stay, and have been nothing but friendly towards us. What more could we ask for?"
     "You trust these people?" She accuses.
     You slightly roll your eyes, "No, but someone has to see the bright side of this situation."
     She huffs and goes back to pacing. Just then, Han walks into the room. "The ships almost finished. Two or three more things and we're in great shape."
     Leia walks towards him, "The sooner the better. Something is wrong here." She points her finger. "No one has seen or knows anything about Threepio. He's been gone too long to have gotten lost."
     Han presses a kiss to her forehead cheek, "Relax, I'll talk to Lando and see what I can find out."
      You roll your eyes, "Here it comes." Han raises an eyebrow at your comment.
      "I don't trust Lando." Leia voices.
      He realizes what you're talking about and replies, "Well I don't trust him either, but he is my friend. Besides, we'll soon be gone." He lifts his hand to cup her cheek.
     "Then you're as good as gone. Aren't you." Leia realizes. It dawns on you, Either way, she's stuck. If she really cares for Han like Luke and I believe, then even when we do get out of here, he'll leave, and she'll be broken-hearted.
     Han just looks down, somewhat ashamed. Chewie walks into the room and the two split apart. "What happened?" You ask as you run over to the box of golden parts that used to be Threepio. Chewie roars quietly.
"You found him in a junk pile?" Han repeats the Wookie words.
"What a mess," Leia says. She turns to you, "Do you think you and Chewie can repair him." You both look at each other and nod.
Back on base, you are an engineer and mechanic. You love to repair droids when you aren't looking at designs of Imperial Starships, picking out their weaknesses and presenting them to pilots in order to have the advantage. Repairing Threepio should be simple.
"Lando's got people who can fix him." Han offers.
Leia turns around and sarcastically turns down the offer, "No thanks."
Just then, Lando enters the room. He looks between Han and Leia before asking, "I'm sorry, am I interrupting anything?"
Leia adjusts her new outfit and replies, "Not really."
Lando tries to flatter Leia once more, "You look beautiful. You truly belong here with us among the clouds." Han covers his mouth from saying something he probably shouldn't. You chuckle silently. Thank the Force he's picked Leia to mercilessly flirt with. I would rather not be in her position.
"Thank you."
Lando continues, "Would you join me for a little refreshment?" He holds out his arm for her to take. He looks over to you and Chewbacca, "Everyone's invited, of course." Leia takes his arm reluctantly, but Han comes to her rescue by coming up beside her and offering his arm, which she gladly takes instead.
You silently try to place Threepio's arm back into the crate, trying not to draw attention to it, but Chewbacca heftily sets it down, causing it to rattle. Lando notices this and asks, "Having trouble with your droid?" 
     You reply, "No, no problem. Why?" With that you hesitantly leave the room with the others, leaving Threepio in pieces.
     Together the five of you walk through the facility's corridors. Lando talks about his outside affiliations along the way. Suddenly you feel a cold chill run down your spine. You shake your head, It's just the air conditioning. Lando stops at a door. It slides open to reveal Darth Vader and the notorious Boba Fett. Han draws his blaster and fires a couple blasts before the Sith Lord summons the blaster with the Force. You take a step backwards, running into a stormtrooper, who holds a blaster firmly to your back. How could this happen? We should have listened to Leia.
"We would be honored if you would join us." Darth Vader responds.
     Han looks at the troopers behind us and then to Lando. The look of betrayal on Han's face says more than anyone could say. Lando confesses, "I had no choice. They arrived right before you did. I'm sorry."
     Han pushes the you and Leia behind him. "I'm sorry, too." You walk into the room together, and the door slides shut behind you.
     Meanwhile, Luke races as fast as possible to the planet, Bespin. As it comes into view he is reminded of his vision. Hold on. I'm coming, ____.
     Back on Bespin, you are separated from the others for questioning. First, an officer interviews you, trying to gather basic information about your identity, but you remain silent. You decide that it's best not to talk at all rather than slip up and cause the Rebellion any harm. They try almost everything. You are tortured, threatened, and insulted, but you refuse to speak. Finally, Darth Vader enters the small, white-washed room. He ominously circles around you as he questions you. "____ ____. Yes, I know who you are. I'm especially intrigued by your...relationship with young Skywalker." You tense up at the mention of Luke's last name.
You remain silent. "Hmm. Impressive, you have managed to withstand our extraction methods. You could be a valuable asset to the Empire."
You break your silence, "I will never join the Empire."
"So sure are you? You wouldn't join us even to save your friends?" You immediately regret your decision to speak. You realize that there are only two ways this can end. "You're right. You either join the Empire and help us acquire Skywalker, or face the same fate as your friends." He chuckles darkly.
"I won't join you. You'll have to kill me." You say decisively. I've made my choice. I'm sorry Luke. I should have been more careful, I know.
Vader ignites his saber and points it at your throat. Fear grips you as he holds it there. You wait for the blow, but it never comes. "Foolish girl, I think I may have use for you yet. If I am correct about your relationship with Skywalker, then he will be desperate to find you."
Instantly, you shake your head, "Luke doesn't care for me. He left me. He left all of us on Hoth. I haven't spoken to or heard from him since." The weight of you words hits you. You almost begin to believe them yourself.
Vader sheathes his saber and looks to you, "We shall see." He turns to the officer from before, "Lock her up separate from the others and prepare the carbon-freezing chamber. I want to run a test before I use it on Skywalker." Vader walks off as you are dragged to my cell. You yell for Han and Leia. You swear you hear Han call out your name, but you are unceremoniously thrown to the floor of a circular cell, all alone. You curl up and let the tears stream down. I'm sorry, Luke. I'm sorry.

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