{Din Djarin} The Bounty Pt. 3

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     The Mandalorian disappears into the lower hold of the ship, leaving you alone in the cockpit. Surely he's not dim-witted enough to actually leave a trained assassin unattended. You roll your eyes at the very thought.

      Scanning the cockpit, you look for a key or anything that can undo the binders that are starting to rub your wrists raw. When a key doesn't present itself among the surprisingly orderly area, you mumble a string of Mando'a curses to yourself. However, a foreign voice coming from below makes you pause.

      "We know you have the child on board. Hand it over, and we won't tear you and your ship apart."

     The familiar sound of the Mandalorian's voice replies, "I'd like to see you try."

Almost immediately, the sounds of a stuggle come from below. Without thinking, you jump down the hatch and down to the lower hold. You expect to see your armored captor standing over the intruder, but instead find yourself looking right into the eyes of the intruder who has the Mandalorian pinned to the ground. The intruder notices the binders in your hands and raises a single eyebrow, "Looks like it's going to be a double haul. All I have to do now is find the kid."

He raises he blaster in his hand, pointing it underneath the beskar metal helmet. All you have to do is wait it out, let him kill the Mandalorian and then take out the intruder. Then, you'll be free. The chase will finally be over.

     When the intruder's finger hovers over the trigger, you hear a small noise, barely audible, but as it passed over you, your heart broke. I can't believe I'm doing this.

     You rush at the intruder, using your binders to place him in a choke hold while the Mandalorian rises to his feet. The intruder crouches and slips out from the binders, casing you to flip over his shoulders, crashing to the ground. You groan at the pain, but your heart stops as the sound of a blaster goes off. I've been shot. He shot me.

You look up, waiting for the pain to hit you, but it never does. Instead, the intruder falls to the ground as the Mandalorian holsters his blaster. You sigh in relief, but realize that your situation hasn't changed at all. Despite all that's occurred, you're still in binders and just another bounty hunter's hostage. A small whine leaves your lips as you try to get back on your feet, but to your surprise, the Mandalorian offers you a hand, pulling you up.

"Thank you," he says beneath his beskar helmet.

You shrug, "Well, it's not exactly like I had a choice now did I?"

He turns back to face you, tilting his head, "You did. You could've let him kill me, taken you and the child, and probably escaped, but you didn't. Why?"

You stop to think about your answer. You hadn't exactly thought it out, you just did it. Why exactly? You aren't sure. Just then, the child peeps out from where he hides behind a false panel in the ship. His little smile gives you your answer, "For him."

The Mandalorian chuckles , "It seems like everyone wants to lay down their life for him, including me most days. I appreciate your help, and I think he would say the same, could he actually talk." He closes the distance between you and him before the pressure of the binders on your wrists releases .

You raise an eyebrow at the bounty hunter, "What is this? A peace offering?"

The armored warrior nods, "I guess you could say that. I'll drop you off on the nearest habitable planet and report to my employer of your 'death', but I need something in return."

Of course he needs something in return, classic bounty hunting scum.

"I need someone I can trust to protect the child. Can I count on you when that time may come?" He looks at you expectantly, the child watching the scene from where he sit, just behind the Mandalorian.

You grin, "You've got a deal, Mando."

author's note:
Writing for Din can be so difficult. Especially since he doesn't like to talk very much. I feel like I'm having to force it out of his character, which I'm not very fond of.
     Also, I just finished Jedi Night not an hour ago, so don't mind me finishing this up so I can start another Kanan Jarrus one-shot 😂😂. I've also got a Rex one coming out tonight that I wrote a week or two back but didn't publish. I hope you all are doing well and as always...
May the Force be with you!!
- Sarah

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