First State Visit

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"It's not about perfect, it's about effort. And when you bring that effort every single day. That's where transformation happens. That's how change occurs.

It was the first day of the Irish Prime Minister's state visit when Debbie and her father greet Mr Donald and his wife at the palace.  As they head into the drawing room for tea and a chat with the president Debbie was somewhat nervous.
As she offers Mrs Donald a cup of tea her father looks at her and Debbie put the teapot down. Debbie knew she did something wrong luckily for her the woman started talking about interesting things she found out about the palace.  And the places she was looking forward to visiting whilst in the country.

After the visit Debbie was told the staff in the room pours the tea when they're in public not the princess. Her private secretary told her everything she did wrong by the end of it Debbie got very angry, "You are dismissed".

Since the Danish Prime Minister was laying on a dinner for his visiting counterpart Debbie and her father had dinner together in the dining room.

"Daddy did I do that badly David was just having a constant go at me".

"Actually you did well in regard to the teapot incident it's to be expected. You spent years being just a normal girl and as for David he works for you. You don't work for him if he starts becoming a problem for you remind him of that fact and if nothing changes find another private secretary. He worked for me for five years before you chose him to work for you he likes power".

"Daddy is he friends with the royal press pack?"


"Why do you ask?"

"Did you find out how that woman got the information about me it just seems strange a new reporter getting top secret information like that. Then suddenly she's in with the royal family".

"You're saying someone betrayed me maybe David I doubt that very much he would lose the power he likes so much. David dealt with it I saw Allison after she came to him with information about you. Why so suspicious Debora?"

"You heard Susan when her brother died I was there for her I'm biracial but Susan and I grew up black. One thing we learnt from an early age is when you find that person that has your back they become your ride or die. You do what you have to do to protect them and yeah for a second I doubted her. But here's the thing she would never betray me, never I don't think she planted the bug in my bedroom. She wouldn't need to since she was at the event".

"I see your point so you're saying it's David?"

"I don't know but someone did it, I know David is ambitious so he needs to be on my good side to make sure he's not gone by the time I'm queen. It's not Natalie she had plenty of opportunities to plant a bug and I saw her lapping up the attention from the designers. Who now know she was my wardrobe person I caught her screaming when she got a letter address to her at the palace".

"So we're back to David then?"

"I'm not sure like you said he likes power and betraying me won't get him that power. It would make finding another job very difficult no one who wants to hire someone they can't trust".

"Your birthday party could be a good way to find out if anyone is betraying you. The few friends you will have over the night before will be ready to gossip. Give them something juicy but false and see if anyone goes to the paper. I'll make sure the room is sweep for bugs just before your guest arrive and right after".

"I like it kill two birds with one stone I see I get my cunning nature from you".

The next day Debbie takes the Prime Minister and his wife on a tour of the famous landmarks in Copenhagen. Wearing a navy skirt suit she watches as the Prime Minister lays a wreath at the tomb of the unknown solider.

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