Chapter 10

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"You were my first kiss." He said softly but I still managed to hear.

I span around slowly.

I asked the question that had been on my chest for days. "Why did you do it?"

"Do what?" He asked confused.

"Kiss me. Why did you kiss me, twice?" I asked my voice sounding a little shaky.

"I don't know." He looked deep into my eyes. I swear he could see my soul. "Did you ever think about the fact that I could've done it because you're breathtakingly beautiful?"

I was speechless. He said it again.

Does he mean it?

"Do you mean that?" He nods.

Be smart Kayla. He probably does this with every girl and pays them not to say anything. Doesn't seem too far off for someone like him.

"Meet me after school near my car please." He said. "I want to show you something."

I just gave him a curt nod before walking to class. Millions of questions in my brain.

I'm so late for math...

As the last bell rang I was nervous. I dragged myself to the parking lot towards the black Jeep I know to be Aiden's.

He wasn't there yet so I decided to check my phone a little.

I had a text from my mom.

Mad lady: Be home by seven, we're having guest.

Me: Sure thing.

"Ready?" A voice said making me jump a little.

I look up from my phone, it's Aiden.

"Sure." I say unsure of what he's up to. "What is it that you wanted to show me?" I asked.

"C'mon get in." He gestured towards his Jeep.

"But what about my car?" I asked.

"Don't worry about that, just give me your keys." He said.

"Okay." I said handing them to him. This is a bad idea. Stupid Kayla, stupid Kayla!

Hello 911, I think someone stole my brain cells, they've been missing for the past two weeks.

I know this sounds off but for some weird reason I trust him.

He tosses them over to a guy who I recognize from math class.

"Umm." I said confused.

Was I being robbed right before my eyes?

"I payed him to drive your car home safely." He answers the question which is surfing my brain.

"No you didn't!" The guy from math class shouts, heading to the back parking lot where my car is.

"Ok?" I say more like a question.

I Don't like just anyone driving my car. Not today not ever.

"Relax, just get in the Jeep." He gestured towards the passenger door and this time I went.

I climbed into the high seats and wait for him to enter before asking. "Where are you taking me?"

"You'll see." He shrugs.

"Oh no, not a surprise." I whine.

"Why not a surprise?" He chuckled driving away from the school and in the opposite direction of my home.

"It's a long story." I cringe thinking back to the day I started having trust issues.

"I have time." He smiled.

"Please don't laugh." I said with pleading eyes.

"I can't promise you that." He grinned.

I rolled my eyes.

"Well I was 7 and my older brother blind folded me and said he had a surprise for me. And I at the time loved surprises. So he gave me something in my hands while I was blind folded and..." I paused before dropping the bombshell. "It was a condom."

"That's not that bad." He chuckled.

"Oh we haven't reached the fun part yet. He told me to guess what it was so I said it's a balloon. I'm like it has to be a balloon right? Cause it felt like a slimy balloon. So Jordan being Jordan, he was like 'then blow it.' and that's what I did, I blew the condom." I confessed.

Aiden broke out in a fit of laughter.

"Stop." I smacked his arm playfully.

Dumb is his arm muscular. Imagine being held tightly in his arms.

Stop it Kayla!!

Smacking him only made him laugh harder.

"You blew up a condom." He laughs

I laughed too.

"That's nasty." He made a stunk face.

My face was red with embarrassment.

I don't even know why I told him that.

"We're here." He stopped the car abruptly.

"Where are we?" I asked.

We were on a hill and all that was left ahead were thick trees. I could hear the faint sound of water falling.

He got out of the car and so did I. Then he started walking ahead and I did also until it hit me.

This is a scene straight out of a horror movie. Bitch I'm outta here. This black girl ain't gon be the one to die in this horror movie of life.

I run. Back to the car and away from those bushes.

"What are you doing?" He arched an eyebrow.

"Nah uh. This black girl ain't the one to die up in this bitch." I said standing partly hidden behind his Jeep.

"I'm not going to hurt you, just come with me." He laughed and amused laugh.

Yeah you heard me right. That mother fucker was down laughing.

Where are my flip flops when I need em? I'm about to whoop this boy's ass.

"What's so funny!" I said exasperated.

"You're way to over dramatic princess." He laughed walking towards me and stretching out his hand. "C'mon let's go."

"Don't princess me." I smack his hand away before stomping off ahead of him.

I blushed, using my hair as a curtain to hide my face.

Who's dramatic?
Me dramatic?

I could NEVER!







His Naughty PrincessHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin