Chapter 22

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Kayla's POV

It's now Monday and I'm walking into school, back in my regular clothes, not what I've been wearing the past week.

I'm wearing black leggings and a white t-shirt and Converse shoes. My hair is in a tight ponytail, the ends in their natural curly state. I'm not wearing makeup, just some chapstick.

Walking down the halls people start whispering and laughing again.

I lower my head in embarrassment. I brought this on myself, I'm sick of all this unwanted attention and negative comments.

I continued walking with my head hanging low. I wanted to disappear.

I already got in trouble for skipping detention. My punishment is to scrape gum from under the bleachers until it's clean, even if it takes days.

It was now lunch. Walking to the cafeteria some people laughed while others gave me sympathetic looks.

I overheard things like.

"Poor thing, she'll never be able to live it off."


"She deserves it."

As I got to the cafeteria I walked straight to my usual table not even bothering to get any food.

Weird enough the popular table was empty.

I slumped down into my chair and put my head in my hands.

"Do you think she already saw it?" Amy tried whispering but failed.

"Judging on her mood I'm guessing yes." Mia said.

"Saw what?" I asked even more confused now. "What is everyone talking about? And why is everyone watching me like that."

"Like what?" Amy asked not looking me in the eyes.

"Like that." I pointed to the table next to ours where a guy looks like he's about to cry while watching me.

"Oh." Was all Amy said. "I'm guessing she hasn't seen it then." Amy tried whispering again but also failing again.

"I'm killing somebody today!" Mia said already getting up but Amy pulled her back down.

"What is going on?!" I stood up slamming my fists against the table.

That hurt...

Amy visibly gulped.

"Someone spray painted your car." Mia cracked her knuckles ready to get up again.

"What?!" I shouted getting the attention of almost everyone in the cafeteria as I speed walked out of there.

Heading to the parking lot. Mia and Amy followed me along with some of the other students.

I gasped as I saw the sight before me.

My dad's gloss black Kia stinger that I borrowed this morning covered in graphite from spray paint.

I almost passed out.

My father's gonna kill me, wether it was my fault or not.

There were things like slut, stupid, my full name, etc but what caught my eye was the words 'You welcome.-Aiden' on the back window.

As if on que I made eye contact with Aiden. His eyes were soft, sympathetic even, but I wasn't having it.

I was about to storm over there but suddenly my shoulder was pulled back aggressively, making me spin to face the culprit. Brianna and her minions.

"What?" I almost screamed in her face.

"Would you look at what we have here." She laughed completely ignoring my question and aggressive tone.

"The hoe run out of slutty outfits. What you'll never realize is that you're worthless and you'll never be better than me no matter how much you try. You're down there and that's where you'll always remain. Oh and that stunt you pulled with my locker, you thought you'd get away with it? You'll never get noticed by CalArts they don't accept sluts like you!" She spat, laughing at her unfunny joke.

My blood was boiling but I wasn't going to show anyone that.

"Brianna stop." Aiden's stern voice came from besides me.

Damn! I know his voice without even having to see him.


No! No! No!

'I hate him.'

'keep telling yourself that sister!'

'Shut up fool!' I battle my inner voice.

I shot him a death glare.

Boy if looks could kill he'd be a dead mother fucker.

"Aiden good job with the spoiled brat's car." She giggled.

Eww... Who giggles?

"Brianna." His voice was warning.

But seriously who does he think he is. First he bullies me and makes me feel like crap, then he starts being nice and before I know it he's being a douchebag again, after he destroys my dad's car which I'm going to get killed for, and now he's pretending to be some knight in shining armor.

That's just pure bullshit! It was only a matter of time before I exploded.

"Who do you think you are! You're so confusing, you bully me and make my life hell and recently you started being nice to do what, just to destroy my property?" Tears were poking the back of my eyes. "What did I ever do to you?! All I've ever done was be myself from the start and what, I get harassed daily for it!" I was now referring to Aiden but Brianna and Liam, who was behind her.

"You're a looser, a slut and a nerd. Nobody likes you, so why don't you just go home and cry into a novel." Brianna sneered, Liam backing her up.

"Now you watch how you talk to my bestfriend missy." Mia stepped up crossing her arms over her chest.

"The only slut up in her is you. You don't see anybody else sleeping around with every guy in school do you?" It was Amy now. I'm a bit taken aback. Amy is not the type to be into violence.

My friends may be goofy and carefree but they're always there for me and I'm always there for them. That's what friendship is all about and I couldn't have asked for better friends.

"What are you gonna do about it, go tell your mom?" Liam stepped forward shoving Amy back.

Now even seconds later Ashton was on the scene . "Now one thing you don't get to do is touch my girl." He was furious.

Amy's not the one for violence but Mia sure as hell is. Before I could register what happened Mia leaped at Liam digging her acrylics into his face. Ashton tried pulling his sister off but she wouldn't budge, she was out to do damage.

"Get off my man, hoe!" Brianna screamed slapping Mia.

Oh Hell. To. The. Fucking. No!

Did I mention that I would kill for my friends and family? Well I'm sorry if I didn't cause now you get to hear all about it.

I wave of confidence and anger washes over my.

But first I gotta take off my studs cause these things are expensive, and a fifteenth birthday gift from my brother...







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