Chapter 38

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Kayla's POV

I sat in the back of the dark green bmw, Peet driving and Brianna sat next to me in the back with a fucking gun pointed at my head.

My heart's beat a thousand beats per second.

She could've stuck to breaking my ribs instead. I preferred that.

This is like some sick clip out of an action movie. Bad thing is, I'm the fucking hostage, not the cop.

"Not very fun to be the one without the upper hand is it?" Brianna pushed the cold steel up against my temple.

"No shit Sherlock. And again I was and still am the one who's always been bullied by you." I roll my eyes.

"Say that one more time and your head will be out that fucking window." She threatened.

"Actually I rather die from having to much air coming at me at once instead of having your bad breath all up in my face." I sneer.

"Well in that case..." She pulled out a pocket knife and brought it up to my throat. "May your wish come true."

"Wait a God dumb minute, I meant while it was attached to my body." My eyes widen.

Okay this bitch is psycotic!

Wait, tell me something I don't know.

"You're the one at gun point you little bitch so you better watch your mouth, if not your head is well out that window..." She smiled like a manic.

Okay if someone doesn't get me out of this girl's hold this instant I'll cry.

I pay a lot of money on my shampoo. Only the thought of my hair not being on my body is sick.
No hair, that's a no no for me. The bold filter I tried once made me look like baby Yoda.

Oh wait shouldn't I be worried about loosing my entire head and dying or my head going with my hair.

Hmm, I'm more concerned about the hair.

I sat still in my spot.

"Do it for your hair, do it for your hair." I chant softly.

"Fuck!" Peet shouts out of the blue.

"What?" Brianna asked irritated.

"Cops." He says pushing on the gas pedal, making the car go even faster.

Shit I think I'll puke...

I glance in the mirrors. Red and blue lights flashing right on our tail.

What's gonna happen next, a drive by?

"Shit." Brianna turns in her seat and starts shooting out the window.

I scream on the top of my lungs. Next time remind me to shut the fuck up mentally too!

I close my eyes temporarily, but not before seeing a police car drift off the road.

This bitch needs to chill. This ain't GTA.

She gets back in her seat next to me panting heavily.

Not the right time but I can take a potty break. When nature calls you can't resist,

Dear number two,
I'm trusting you to have some manners. Don't be popping out on me like that. Now you better get the hell back up there cause I ain't got time for you right now.

Soon we got to a desert.
Like literally.

Like I've said before, Brianna's not a very smart person.

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