Chapter 24

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"I got a week suspension." I rolled my eyes as I told my friends what happened.

"I've never seen you loose control like that Kay. That ass whooping is gonna go down in history!" Ashton said munching on chips.

"She had it coming." I look down at my feet, they're suddenly interesting.

Deep down I'm bothered by the way the principal and Brianna's dad reacted. I'm not gonna lie, it was kind of scary being mistreated because of my skin colour. I may not be as dark as my mother's completion but it still hurts. I can't even imagine what darker skinned persons go through compared to me. I'm only a light skin.

"How could you treat someone differently just because of what they look like." Amy's voice sounded through the quiet room.

I looked up at her confused.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that." Ashton piped in.

Wormth spread through my chest knowing that there are people who support me, people who try to understand what it's like. People who don't judge me for something as silly as my complexion.

My eyes bulge with realization. "How come none of you ass wholes ordered pizza? I'm starving!" I try changing the topic to something else.

I could see the worry on my friends faces but thankfully they drop the topic.

"I'll get pineapple toppings on mine." Amy said pulling out her phone to order the pizza.

As if on que both Ashton and I face palmed. Anyone who eats pineapple on pizza is a terrorist.

I feel my mood slightly brighten by the stupidity of Amy.

"What about Aiden tho, he destroyed your dad's car. You're not gonna let him get away with it will you?" And there went my brightening spirit.

"Wait Aiden did that? I'm gonna beat his ass. I would've never let that shit happen Kayla I promise-" Ashton's fists balled to his side.

"Relax babe." Amy kissed Ashton's check sweetly. I had to stop myself from 'aweing' at the way Ashton melted at Amy's touch.

"Guys relax." I smirked. " I've got that covered."

Ashton's fists balled at his sides once again.

I had thought long and hard about what happened earlier. Trapped alone in my room with just my thoughts, thinking about how easily I let people walk over me. Thinking about how easily I'm broken by people who aren't worth my tears.

"Relax dude, I got a plan." I wore a newly mischievous grin, memories of when my older brother Jordan had pranked me with this exact idea.

I explained my plan to Amy and Ashton and told them to fill Mia in on it too.

Speaking of Mia, she's not here because she has detention for launching at Liam. No one got hurt except Liam. They let her off with detention because that's her first time ever getting in trouble. Scratch that, that's her first time getting caught.

Aiden Rush, you messed with the wrong nerd.

He won't know what the fuck hit him...

It's the day after I got suspended...

I woke up later than usual. It was 9:00am when I dragged myself out of bed and got ready for the day ahead.

I gave myself a once over in the mirror before leaving my room.

I'm wearing an oversized black hoodie, combat pants and black high top boots. I topped the look off with dark purple lipstick, mascara and eyeliner.

I got in my car before driving to the school. My parents didn't punish me because according to them.

'What you did wasn't wrong.' After all my mother had been disrespected first hand by both the principal and Brianna's wack ass dad, which is pretty fucked up. Tho dad was still mad at me for his car and wanted so badly to choke me, he was too absorbed in my mother to do such thing. Despite the no punishment, dad did in fact make time to lecture me about throwing the first punch which I don't believe I did.

I parked a few minutes away from the school in hopes of not being seen anywhere near here.

I can't get caught doing this. I'm already in enough trouble. Besides, I'm aiming to have a clean slate for college. That plan currently wasn't going as aimed so there's no way in hell I could never get caught.

I met Ashton in the parking lot in the back of the school, handing him the itching powder.

Yup, itching powder.

Good thing I wore a hoodie, so it's easy to cover my face.

I need this plan to be flawless. We can't get caught or things will go downhill quick.

This is like some secret agent shit. Like one of these spy movies and honestly it's more exciting than people describe it to be.

I found Aiden's car before a mischievous grin spread across my face.


Better start now before I run out of time and the bell rings. Or else I'll be seen.

There are only a few people here but they're skipping class so if they rat me out then they rat out themselves too so I'm not worried about them.

Let the plan begin!!

Ashton's POV

I'm kinda against betraying my bestfriend cause you know, bro code. Even if I want to pound his face in right now.

But at the same time Kayla's like a sister to me. I can't say no to her, plus if I didn't both my girlfriend and sister would slotter me.

Not fair I know. But at the same time Aiden did some fucked up shit to Kayla's dad's car, getting her in trouble.

And this is also payback for the last time he pranked me. The  bastard cracked a raw egg in my shoes.

We're having P.E class right now. I had to excuse myself in the middle of class. I said I was going to the bathroom but instead I went to the boys locker room. I took out the itching powder Kayla gave me and sprinkled in Aiden's pants.

I made sure it was all over the inner thigh and crotch area.

We won't get out of this class until lunch.

I threw the rest of the itching powder in the sink and washed out the container for the sake of getting rid of evidence.

Kayla had pulled off the label from the container so I wouldn't get caught, not that I would, I'm a sneaky boss. Okay that came out way more cocky than I planned. Plus if the girls ever heard me say that at loud they'd start pulling up unwanted memories to debunk those rumors.

After successfully planting the itching powderz I made by way to the school parking lot to help with the second part of the plan. This was going to be a long day...







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