Chapter 34

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"I love you too Aiden."
The forbidden words flew off my tongue with heavy passion.

Aiden's POV

Last night was amazing! I told Kayla how I actually felt and thankfully she felt the same and forgave me, hopefully it wasn't just a joke. I honestly don't know what I'd do without her at this point. Kayla is my drug, when she's away from me I start getting addicted, n when she's back, she's the antidote. I can't stand stand the thought of her being mad at me or me loosing her from my idiocity.

So today I figured I'll ask her to be mine.


I want to do it professionally, something creative that she can't say no to.

When she said she loved last night on those bleachers my soul letf my body and came back, shit I thought I was dreaming. I'll forever remember that night as the night I became complete. Although I believe she deserves better. She deserves to have a romantic date where I wasn't being an ass just days before. She deserves to remember me asking her to be mind in a mind blowing spot.

God last night wasn't enough. I could never get tired of her saying those three words to me. "I love you" from her lips was like music to my ears, a Mel in my heart. I want to hold her in my arms and hear her repeat those words over and over again. I'll never get tired of those words coming out from those luscious lips of hers.

I'm nervous but excited. No scratch that I feel nauseous.

This girl is driving me crazy.

I walk up and down my room, staring at the roses sitted on my bed.

The buzzing of my phone snapped me back to reality.

I leaped for it and answered cheerily. "Hello."

"Aiden is Kayla with you?" Ashton's voice came from the other side of the phone worried.

"No, why?" I scrunched my eyebrows even if he couldn't see me.

"Nobody's seen her from last night. Her parents said she didn't come home last night and she isn't at my house. Her phone's going straight to voicemail and her car's still in the school parking lot so I thought she was with you cause she was last seen with you." Ashton rushed.

"What do you mean you can't find here?!" I whisper yell.

" She's nowhere to be seen bro. We checked every hotel near here, and all of her friends' houses. She's nowhere."

I clenched my fists. "Did you call the cops?"

"Yeah her parents did. They said they can't declare her a missing persons until tonight, twenty four hours or some bullshit." Ashton said.

I threw my phone across the room and luckily it fell on a heep on clothes on the floor so it didn't break.

I collapse to my knees. I could hear Ashton calling my name from the phone across the room but I didn't answer I just knelt there. It felt like my heart fell and shattered into a million pieces.

This is some shady ass shit. She disappears the day I plan on asking her to be my girlfriend?

Did she run away because she regretted what happened between us last night? No, I won't even think like that, she wouldn't do such a thing.

This just doesn't seem right, it isn't like her to do something like this. Something's up, she wouldn't just run away from home, the Kayla I know would never do that...

Kayla's POV

I screamed on the top of my lungs for the millionth time as I hear anything crack in my ribs. The punches came one after the other.

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