Bonus Chapter

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Years Later
Kayla's POV

I stood next to one of my bestfriends with my jaw dropped. She looked absolutely gorgeous in her wedding dress.

"Oh my God Amy you look stunning. Ashton will be star struck when he sees you walk down the isle in a couple of minutes." I coo.

I can't believe we're adults.

Ugh, it sounds so weird. I'm an adult. I'm twenty seven and I'm still not used to the word adult.

"Thanks Kay." She smiled.

"I'm just excited for the reception.  Food!" Mia licked her lips, probably fantasizing about food.

"Pregnancy really got you eating up a storm." I giggle.

"I don't think it's a baby, it's a monster inside of me. I don't know how females do it." She pats her baby bump while popping another goldfish in her mouth.

"It's difficult but in the ending rewarding." I smile remembering what pregnancy was like for me.

Yup I'm a mother of two. Aiden and I got married three years ago and now we have two year old twins. A boy and a girl, Taylor and Skylar. They're so adorable, disclaimer they look more like me😉. Also Aiden's a lawyer and I'm a professional dancer. Not to brag but I'm a tad bit famous.

Amy is as you know getting married to Ashton today. They don't have any kids as yet.

Mia's officially last nine months pregnant lady week and no it's not Tyler's baby. She and Tyler broke up after high school. Now she's in a relationship with a Spanish guy named Alejandro. They're the cutest, they've been dating for six years now.

My friends from college, Avani and Matthew aka booty twerked (I could never forget that day. I gave him the nickname booty twerker) are engaged now.

Eleni by no surprise is still single and traveling the world. She's actually the wedding planner for Amy's wedding.

Jordan and Alex as you know were living together. Well sorry if I didn't mention this earlier but Alex got pregnant one  month after they moved in together. So literally the same day Matthew was twerking at that restaurant, my nephew was being birthed in another State. Little does this poor kid know, his birthday is a scared memory of booty shaking in my head. His name is Jay, love that kid, he's eight years old now.

Kali, my little sister is fifteen now. Oh Lord I'm old! Apparently contortion was just a faze in her life, she's actually an opera singer. I know, it's crazy how it sounds like pebbles were dropped in my throat while my sister can hit notes I've only heard Mariah Carey and Ariana grande hit before. Nobody knows where she gets it from, we're not a singing family but I can say the same for the lack of freaky bendy humans in my family.

I run my fingers over the fitted fire engine red bridesmaids dress. I'm not going to lie the wedding is extra as fuck. Amy literally has a glowing wedding dress and it's a night wedding.

Okay fine mine was even more dramatic but I... Okay fine I have no excuse for why.

"Mummy." I snap out of my thoughts when my two babies appear in the doorway with their father behind them.

"my babies." I instantly start doing the mushy voice that all of us females are guilty of. "Who's my wittle babies, oh yes you are. My loves." I stoop down to their height to hug them.

When I look up Amy, Mia and Aiden are all staring at me like I'm crazy.

"What?" I ask innocently.

Before I know it both Amy and Mia are stooping down doing the classic mushy voice too.

Aiden's facial expression was priceless. I stood up and gave him a passionate kiss. "I love you mi amor." I was still doing the mushy baby voice.

"Okay you'll need to stop." I just laugh.

I'm happy in life, and I'm finally in a good place. I have an amazing family and great friends who never left my side every when things got tough.

What else could I ever ask for?

Oh wait, There is this one thing I do want...

"I want another baby." I tell Aiden truthfully as we were still in each other's embrace.

His eyes rolled to the back of his head and he touched his neck as if checking for a pulse.

At first I thought he was joking but he straight up fainted, falling to the floor with a thud and almost pulling me down with him.

FUCK, I think I just killed the best man...







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