Chapter 11

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I was taken aback by the scene ahead. The view was breathtaking.

I could see part of the city below us, and that wasn't even the best part. There was a body of water below us.

The water was the only thing separating us from the cruise ship port a few miles on the other side.

Aiden started taking off his shirt.

"What are you doing." I asked panicked.

"Jumping." He said calmly kicking off his jeans.

"Wait you don't know if there are rocks down there." I kept panicking.

"Guess we'll have to find out." He grinned.

He jumped before I could protest anymore.

I couldn't help it, I screamed peering over the edge.

It was a pretty high jump.

I didn't see him resurface, one minute later no sign of him so I panicked even more. I started screaming his name.

"Aiden!" No response.

"Aiden!" Still no response.


"Worried about me?" I heard Aiden's voice behind me.

I let out a high pitched panicked scream.

"What the fuck you freaking scared me!" I screamed at him, throwing my backpack at him only for him to catch it.

"I'm fine princess." He laughed.

"You're such an asswhole." I pout.

"Aww princess you were worried sick." He smiled cockily.

"No I wasn't. I just didn't want you to die." I glared at him.

"So you like me more alive?" He smirked.

"No I don't" I smirked in return. "I just didn't want to answer any questions from the police. Besides everyone knows we're not the best of friends so they'd think I pushed you."

"So we're friends?" He stepped closer.

"N-no I didn't say that." I protested stepping back.

"You technically did princess." He took another step forward and I took two back.

"I did not." He stepped closer and I stepped back again.

"Oh really?" He now has a mischievous grin. "You look hot, how about I cool you down a bit."

He came closer but this time I didn't move. His muscular arms embraced me and for some reason I still didn't move. His hands roamed my pocket areas.

"Do you have anything in your pockets?" He asked.

I raised my eyebrows in confusion. "No, why?" I asked.

"Cause you're wayy too hot for my liking." His smirk grew bigger.

Before I understood what was happening he pushed me. I went falling over the cliff. I let out a deafening scream as my body hit the cool water with a bang.

I resurfaced and was panting heavily, doggy paddling for dear life.

"I can't swim!!" I screamed truthfully.

I struggled to stay above water. I could slightly see his face morph into one of fear and panic, taking a plunge in.

He was next to me in seconds helping me stay a float.

"Aiden what the fuck!!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

"I'm do sorry princess I assumed you could swim, I just. I'm an asswhole I'm sorry." He seemed genuinely upset with himself.

"It's okay," My mouth was saying one thing while my mind was saying another. I felt the urge to smack the hell out of him.

"No it's not okay, this could've gone totally wrong, I'm sorry." He paddled us to the side of the cliff where there was a make shift staircase to the top.

When we got to the top he was literally so upset it looked like he was about to beat himself up.

"Don't beat yourself up over it. You didn't know, you were just trying to have fun." I genuinely meant it this time. "Look, I'm fine!" I smiled touching his exposed bicep.

"Fuck, shit I'm so sorry princess." He got up and hugged me tight. "If I knew I would've never pushed you. I'd never do anything to hurt you on purpose." I was taken aback by his words but I played it cool.

Okay now that part where he said he's never intentionally hurt me is bullshit, complete lies. I'm just gonna play along to see where this goes. I've made a lot of stupid choices today but I won't make another one by believe him. I get that he's sorry but he doesn't have to lie about caring about me.

I hugged him back. "It's okay, you didn't know." I pulled away and looked down.

He lifted my chin so I was looking directly into his eyes.

"Let's watch the sunset." He suggested. I swear I saw him nervous for a split second. I just nod in response.

So that's what we did.

My clothes, shoes they were all soaked.

He let me wear his t-shirt which was way to big for my, it was all the way beneath my butt while he just wore his jeans. Yes he was shirtless. After all he  was the only one with dry clothes.

We sat at the edge of the cliff cuddling together as the sun set.

His hard biceps and abs felt great beneath my body. For a while I completely forget that I'm playing along and don't trust him anymore.

I could stay in his embrace forever. I felt safe...







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