Chapter 40

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(Skip a few months.)

Kayla's POV

I look at my self I'm the mirror one last time. My nude makeup matches my nude colour heels. I run my fingers over the short fitted white lace dress, the long see through floral sleeves covering my arms.

A tear slowly slipped down my cheek. Holy shit I'm graduating!

"Kayla are you ready yet? We have to leave soon. Wouldn't want to be late on your big day." My mother's voice sounded from behind the door.

"Yeah just give me a minute." I wipe my face carefully with a tissue, don't want to ruin my makeup do I?

I pick up the big red graduation cap and slide it on top of my naturally curly hair. I look at my self one more time before grabbing my gown and heading out the door. I'll just put it in when I get there to prevent the whole wrinkling situation.

I stand there with my hands shaking and sweaty. Who the hell thought it was a good idea to put this gal as valedictorian?! Oh yeah that's right, damn principal Saunders.

"Now we'll have the speech from your valedictorian, make some noise for Kayla Sansion."

I walked up on the makeshift stage on the field. My heart was pounding a million beats per second.

I reached the mic, all the hundreds of students and guardians staring at me. Looking at the speech I prepared, I realized half of it wasn't true. That was what people wanted to hear, but it wasn't the truth. It's just a whole lot of boring lies.

"See this piece of paper." I tore the paper with my hands high so everyone could see. " I don't need it, nothing on there's true."

"High school wasn't easy." I started. "Not for me, not for anyone. It was one hell of a ride, but dumb was it fun."

I could see principal Saunders eyeing me as if telling me to watch my language but this just pushed me to continue.

"I'm going to miss this school. I mean who doesn't enjoy seeing Mr. Hume upset? That voice is higher than Mariah Carey hitting that high note." Everyone laughed a bit. I could see Mr Hume's face redden, probably of anger or embarrassment.

"Our hard work brought us here today, but remember there was at least this one person or people who stayed by your side and supported us through it all. Some of us learnt who we truly are, some are still searching, some found their talents and some even found love." I made eye contact with Aiden who was in the front row who wore a huge grin. "But your journey doesn't end here, and hopefully so does the journey of our gym teacher's hair line cause we all know bald would fit him perfectly." Everyone burst out into laughter. I spotted the male gym teacher somewhere in the crowd, his hand was covering his face. "Fight for it sir."

"But now I'll stop talking because there's nothing more annoying than a long boring speech and also my teachers probably hate me now so peace out class of 2020!!!" Applause filled the air as I rushed off the stage.

I don't care what anyone says, but I'm the coolest valedictorian to ever hit this school. Don't burst my bubble let me have my moment okay.

It's the night after graduation. We all went to the party at God knows who's house but a few hours in Aiden and I left.

So now we're sitting in the very spot he asked me to be his girlfriend.

"Why'd you bring me here?" He asked.

Then it really hit me, shit I might never see him again.

In case he hates me after this I give him a huge hug and take in his scent. I gave him a long passionate kiss, our lips connecting perfectly and moving in sync.

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