Chapter 35

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Aiden's POV

I walk down the halls with my head down. I can't concentrate on anything but the fact that my baby girl is gone.

No one has seen her from since Friday night, it's now Monday.

The only thing I can think about is the fact that she's missing. I have no clue where she could've gone. I've literally checked everywhere I think she could possibly be but there was no hope.

This may sound cheesey buy I need her by my side, I don't think I can go another day without seeing her. Yeah you heard it here first, I can't live without her.

Only a few days and I already miss her so much. What if we get separated for a month, then how'd I live?

'Don't even think about it, you already stink enough and you look like crap.'

Okay that is true. I don't think I can do it any longer.
Nah, scratch the don't think and replace it with can't.

I walk out of the school's front doors and into the parking lot.

Even her car's still here. No offense but she wouldn't last a week without her baby, or as she calls it.

I'm just happy I had the chance to tell her how I feel about her before she disappeared into thin air.

This is so unlike her. Something's fishy. She would never just run away, this wasn't optional, maybe someone black mailed her into leaving town. But who?

I got so desperate I even asked Brianna if she saw here anywhere. Of course she didn't give me any information, not like that dumb blonde bimbo knows anything, I doubt that. Don't let her fool you she's very stupid. Grades in all classes are F's stupid. Sleep with the teacher to get A's stupid.

But seriously tho who in their right mind would shag Mr. Sentii. That girl is sick in the head and I mean it.

I walk over to Kayla's car, my hands balled into fists. This doesn't make any sense. If she left town which I highly doubt she did, she'd need a car to leave.

The more I thought about it, the more furious I became.

Thoughts were swirling in my head to the point where my head started hurting. All the time we spent together, how I fell for her, the way she drives me insane but I actually love it...

"Stop!" I shout on the top of my lungs punching the car door with all my might, leaving a little dent in the metal.

Okay now that's gotta hurt but I didn't even feel the pain because of all the adrenaline pumping in my veins...

Wait a second...

I reach for the door handle and surprisingly it was unlocked.

Typical Kayla, always forgetting to lock her doors. This thought of her make me chuckle, easing my up a bit.

I step closer to the open door.

Boy is it messy.

I pull out my phone and text Ashton to meet me here. This is not something to keep to myself. I might even find out where she went. Clumsy Kayla may have dropped a clue perhaps.

I step into the driver's seat while I wait for Ashton. I might as well start exploring. As I entered the car I was hit with her scent, that distinctive scent which made me lightheaded everytime she walked by. Damn I carve the need  to have her cooped up beside me, the need to hear her voice, the need to know she's okay...

I finally snapped out of my daze and really examined my surroundings.

One of her heels from last night were on the gear box and her lipstick is opened on the floor.

I turned to investigate the back seat.

Makeup, a book and a green bandana and...

Hold up!
Bandana this might have something to do with her whereabouts.

Don't ask me why on Earth do I think so because my answer would sound something along the lines of, 'I'm stupid.'

It's not like there'll be an address on the back of the- hold up!!

There's something written in black sharpie on the back.

I read out the writing out loud. "G.P.N."

I frown. You would Kayla write random letters on the back of a bandana and have it in her back seat.

Not to mention it smells like crap.

Wait a second, or maybe she didn't. This isn't her hand writing.

I sniff the bandana a bit and instantly regret it. That smells awful, it smells like... Like, something familiar!

Hell fucking hell this smells like sleeping gas. "Umm, what was the name..?" I mumbled to myself. "Uh... Chloroform!"

I know the smell was too well. I'll never forget that time I got in trouble for sucker punching a kid, dad wanted to put me in a corner to "think about my actions" but I was too hyped to listen so he gassed me. Fucking phycotic I know! I was only twelve, I don't even know what he had such dangerous stuff for.

I'm not going to lie tho, now that I look back on it, it's kinda funny.

I don't quite understand why he had Chloroform laying round? I'll never know.

I was about to get out of the car, getting overwhelmed by all of these  things which reminded me of Kayla when something caught my attention.

I smeared lipstick mark. It looks like someone tried wiping it off but it didn't quite work because of the kind of material it was on.

At first I thought maybe someone did it by accident but then I realized it was a sloppy B written in lipstick.

Now it makes sense! It adds up! Someone gasses Kayla so she tried writing a clue in the material she knew it would never be able to be removed.

And there's only one person I know who's name starts with B and has an undying hatred towards Kayla, and that's Brianna.

She's seriously psychotic, and she knew no one would suspect her because she's not exactly smart. Well so I thought until now. I mean not really because she left evidence of her crime on the crime scene.

I can't believe no one thought to look here in Kayla's car.

Then it really hit me,

Brianna kidnapped Kayla...







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