Chapter 21

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It's been a week since I caked Brianna's face with flour.

Now I'm sitting here with my friends lecturing me.

"I miss Kayla." Amy pouted.

"Hello! I'm right here."

We're currently in my room for movie night. But we're not actually watching the movie, instead I'm being lectured.

"Yeah me to." Mia replied, completely ignoring me.

"Over here!" I screamed to get them to stop ignoring me.

"Quit the screaming nitwit." Mia covered her ears.

"Kay you've got to stop this. You're acting like a completely different person." Amy's voice was sad. "When you do this the only thing you're proving is that you're just like them, Bitchy. And when Brianna comes back for you it won't be pretty. Just end this and show Brianna what she did doesn't affect you."

Mia nodded in agreement. "Although that flour video went viral and I absolutely love it, I kinda miss normal Kayla too. You don't even dress like yourself anymore. You dress like a whore no offense." Mia has always been the kind of person to be straight up.

They're right. I know they are. They know I know they are and I know they know that I know they are.


"I know." I said simply. "I hate all the negative, unwanted attention and I absolutely hate what I've been wearing and I hate that I'm not mad at Aiden like I'm supposed to be." I blurted out the last part and didn't even realize until I saw the look on their faces.

I covered my mouth out of shock. But soon my friends had a knowing smirk on their faces.

"You like him don't you?" Amy wiggled her eyebrows.

"No! Eww!" I blurted out a little to quickly. Two weeks ago I was trying to make them believe I did like him now I'm doing the opposite.

Mia's eyes widened. "Sneaky bitch, you like the guy." She was shocked. "I'm gonna beat his ass to smitherings."

"No! I absolutely one hundred percent do not like Aiden Rush in any way possible." I stated clearly. "Not after his sneaky plans with Brianna."

"You don't know he had a part to play in it for sure. Besides, he took you off the table when you refused and carried you out." Amy said with googly eyes. "And he wasn't very happy when he saw you on the table." She added.

"I saw him giving you the sweet little glances here and there." Mia wiggled her brows. "But don't let him fool you he's a fuck boy, Amy get out of here with your love bullshit!"

"And how he gets a bit jealous and tense when you talk to guys that aren't him." Amy said dreamily, ignoring Mia's statement.

"Stop!" I shouted, preventing them from speaking any further.

"One he's a man whore, has slept with most girls in scool and is probably banging some chick as we speak." I state blankly.

"Preach!!" Mia backs me up.

"Two he uses girls like tissues and I refuse to be one of these stupid blinded girls who fall for him after seeing other girls being treated like crap by him. And lastly he's not interested in people like me, 'nerd' as he calls me which I'm not and I will never fall for such an asswhole." I finished my speech.

"A sexy asswhole may I add." Amy added.

"Don't you have a boyfriend?" It's like Mia read my mind because she asked the exact question I was thinking.

"Yup, and I love him with all my heart." She grinned cheekily.

"Can we just watch the rest of the movie?" I asked annoyed, and that's what we did.

I was left to drown in my thoughts as we watched the movie in silence.

Did I really have a thing for Aiden?

Aiden's POV

I'm sitting at Ashton's house with Nate and Matt. It's just a chill Saturday night, no parties, just hanging with the bros.

I took another swing of my beer before Nate spoke up over the football game playing on the TV.

"So that Kayla chick huh." He spoke.

"What about her?" I asked pretending to not care.

"She banging hot now dude." It was Matt speaking now.

It's a good thing Ashton fell asleep early, otherwise he'd be pissed right now. I know Kayla is like a sister to him.

"Don't talk about her like that." I said a little too harshly.

I'm still upset with her after the thing she said in the cafeteria but to be fair I was an asswhole and said horrible things to her in hopes of pushing her away. I didn't want to hurt her, I'm just a crewed up guy and she's so amazing. I don't deserve her. But for some reason I can't stop thinking about her. Despite me trying to push her away to protect both of us I still cared for her. I want her to be in my arms, I want to tell her how she's driving me crazy, but like I said I don't deserve her.

"Oh I see, you're fucking her aren't you?" Matt teased.

"She's not like that." I said much more calmly this time. It's true, even after everything I still think she's different, there's something about her.

"Ohh someone's got feelings." Nate mumbled but loud enough for us to hear.

I just stared at him. "Me catching feelings? this is a joke." I laughed. I only think of her like every second and think of how she's different from other girls.

"Everyone sees it." Nate said in a duh tone. "If she was just another toy to you, you'd get her back for the prank she pulled."

"She didn't pull the prank on me it was for Brianna." I stated. It was hot seeing her take revenge like that. But I much rather my Kayla. The girl I watched the sunset with at the edge of a cliff. The girl who's somewhat shy, calm.

"You got flour bombed too." Matt face palmed.

"It was an accident." I don't know why I'm acting like this.

"You pranked a nerd for an entire week just cause you said she cheered for the other team instead of us." Nate pointed out.

And he was right, but I'm not going to admit that out loud.

"If I prank her back will you drop it?" I asked now frustrated with them for seeing right through me.

"Uhh... Nope." Matt said popping the p.

I groaned. "Just drop it." I was getting more frustrated by the second.

Thankfully they dropped it and returned to the game but not before sending smirks and smoochy faces my way.

Do I really like Kayla?

No, it can't be. Besides, she hates me from since after the twerking video came out even after I threatened Brianna to get rid of it. Which she obviously didn't, which made my blood boil.

Maybe my friends are right, maybe I'm falling for her but I can't let that happen so she leaves me no choice but to get back at her just to prove my point to Nate and Matt even if I don't want to because Kayla doesn't deserve it.

Especially after seeing Brianna make her life miserable from freshman year and did nothing about it. I wasn't in a right place, I'm still not but when I started getting to know her, I hate myself for everything Brianna did to her. But that doesn't change the way she looks at me. She thinks of me like everybody else and I can't blame her for that.

But I gotta do what I gotta do. I cannot let myself fall for Kayla even if it feels like I already have.







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