Chapter 33

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It's Friday...

I'm fine...

I swear I am...

Okay who am I fucking kidding. My date ditched me two days ago and I'm staying home like a potato. I've been crying non-stop, feeling this weird unfamiliar pain in myy chest which I think is a little friend called heart break and won't go away.

Just so you know, if anyone asks... I'm fine.

I walk down the hall hugging my text book to my chest, my head bowed to the floor.

Rumor has it, Aiden ditched me cause I have a disease. And of course he moved on with Brianna.

Okay they're not entirely wrong but c'mon a disease, really people?! Okay fine asthma is a respiratory disease but still.

I'm just happy school's over. Rumors have been spreading like wild fire these past two days.

I personally have been avoiding Aiden.

Can you believe he tried speaking to me. Like I'll stand there and let him embarrass me like before but this time only worse. Yeah I've made enough stupid choices these past few weeks, I'm not trying to add on the list by making the fool I fell for embarrass me. He would probably just gloat about how dumb I am to think he actually cared about me...

'what am I even saying, I didn't even fall for him.' or so I've been trying to convince myself.

I walk out to my car where Mia and Amy are waiting.

"Hey." Was all I said as I press the unlock button on my car keys.

"Ready to partea tonight?!" Amy flashed me a toothy grin.

"Not going." I said simply opening the driver's door.

"Why not." Mia furrowed her brows.

I look at her with a 'do you not see and hear what's going on around you?!' look.

Mis rolled her eyes. "Kay you don't need a guy to go to the dance. You're the most independent person I know. Besides you've never needed a guy, they're all asswholes to you anyway."

"Wow Mia, thanks for sugar coating the hard truth about my love life." I said, sarcasm dripping from my ever word.

It was Amy to roll her eyes now. "C'mon Kayla. You don't need a man to turn up, wear a pretty dress and dance all night with your friends."

"Oh I know that, I've only done it like a million times." I fake smiled.

"Kay c'mon, don't be like that." Any pouted.

"Okay so when you guys are with your dates what am I supposed to do. Sit on the sidelines and chug spiked fruit punch?" I crossed my arms.

That statement left my friends thinking.

"Hmm. Now that I think about it that doesn't sound like such a bad idea." I chuckle and my friends looked at me like I'm on some type of drug.

Maybe I'll go after all.

I'm walking towards the school gym. Alone.

I could hear the thumping music from all the way here.

I walk slowly, hoping the dance will be over by the time I enter. But unfortunately for me it isn't.

Darn it I should've walked in slow motion instead.

As soon as I entered I spotted Mia, Ashton, Amy and another guy who looks somewhat familiar, so I immediately walk over to them.

"Did anyone spike the fruit punch yet? Cause I need something strong." I said as I stood between Ashton and mystery guy.

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