Chapter 26

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Kayla's outfit above ☝️

Kayla's POV

It's been a few days since I pulled my little stunt, it's now Saturday.

Word is, Aiden didn't show up to school for the rest of the week.

Ashton caved and told Aiden he put the itching powder but it was all my idea. Yeah I know, he's a little snitch. But I'm not mad about it cause, bro code, gotta respect that, or so Ashton said... Sike! Forget bro code I'm like his sister. Just the thought of this made me scoff.

Being home all this time is really boring. My dad's car is in the garage for a new wrapping.

My parents went on another business trip yesterday. Only this one lasts two weeks.

Maggie had a family emergency in another state, something about a brother and a heart attack.

Kali's at my grandparents, I'm picking her up a little later.

I'm in high spirits. Today has been pretty shity but it's only going to get better. After all I'm picking up my brother from the airport.

I haven't seen him in over two years. He's a piece of shit for not coming home on the holidays. We call each other here and there. Stupid college in New York is taking up all of my typical annoying sister moments.

After six months of college he started investing in inventors who had good ideas they wanted to bring to life. He made a fortune out of it and insisted he didn't want our parents' help with money anymore, paying them back every cent they spent on his college fees.

Seems like a dream come true. It's always been one of the things he wanted to do.

And now two years later he's visiting. Boy do I have a shit talk of a lifetime to give him about the importance of the holidays.

It's about five in the afternoon. I got dressed in a grey sports set since I don't feel like dressing up.

On my way out, I put on some white sneakers and grabbed my bag.

I drove to Mia's house to pick up my friends. They insisted on tagging along, they won't admit it but I think Mia's been crushing on Jordan for years now.

I borrowed the guard's car only because it has more space.

"You excited?" Amy jumped in her seat next to me.

"Why wouldn't I be?" A wide smile grew on my face.

"Isn't it a little weird that you're seeing your brother after two years and your parents went on a business trip instead of staying to welcome him?" Mia asked taping her chin.

"They don't know he's coming." I grin. "It's a surprise for when they get back."

"Cool, now can we get food cause I'm starving?" Ashton whined.

"Can't, Jordan lands in twenty and it's a half an hour drive, you know the boy's impatient." I said chuckling.

The guy had been impatient from since he was tiny. I remember when we were little he cried because he wanted to get cotton candy and it took twenty minutes to get there.

Flipping July borns, childish as heck.

When we got to the airport I saw Jordan taping his foot impatiently. It took us a little longer to get there cause we had a concert in the car.


I jumped out of the driver's seat as soon as I tapped brakes, leaping at Jordan and almost knocking him to the ground.

"Hey kiddo." He chuckled hugging me back.

Tears started falling down my cheeks, happy tears.

"I missed you." I sobbed.

Damn I was bawling.

"I missed you too Kay-e." He stroked my hair.

"You know I still hate that nickname." My head was buried in his jacket.

I can explain... Ok I can't. I'm a big baby. I missed my brother okay!

I got pulled back harshly. "You can't have all the love brat." Ashton rolled his eyes before giving Jordan a bro hug.

Suddenly he hugged him tight mimicking me. "OMG bro I missed you! Ahhh!"

Mia and Amy laughed while I rolled my eyes. They said their own hi's and hey's, still laughing at Ashton's attempt to mimic me.

I also realized Mia's especially prolonged hug with Jordan. She's definitely in love with my brother who's wayy older than she is. No one can make me think otherwise.

"Hey Jord they here yet?" A deep masculine voice came behind Jordan.

A tall lean guy with curly hair appeared next to Jordan. He was staring down at his phone.

My friends and I went quiet.

Jordan was about to speak but I cut him off. "Holy shit, Jordan you're taken?" My facial expression was filled with excitement.

The ass whole has finally found a soulmate.

I didn't know my brother was like that. All he talks about are girls, he has a new one every week. Yeah he's a man hoe so if he's gay I'll accept him with open arms but it'd be shocking.

Both Jordan and the guy burst out into laughter, soon Ashton joined in leaving Mia, Amy and I confused.

"Kayla this is my bestfriend Roman, Roman Tysan. Roman, my sister Kayla and her friends Mia and Amy." He introduced us to each other.

"Oh." Was all I said.

My cheeks reddened in embarrassment.

"Can we go already, I'm starving." Ashton started whining again.

"Let's go then. But we gotta pick up Kali first." Ashton groaned, unsatisfied with my reply.

"Hey my baby sister needs to eat too you know." Jordan smacked Ashton on the back of his head.

"She's with grandparents. She's bound to be stuffed." Ashton scoffed and we laughed at his cute childish behavior.

"She's not a baby anymore Jordan. 'She's seven, sassy and controlling.' Her words not mine." I warned.

It's the truth. It's like she's my big sister and not the other way round.

"Now that's how you know she's related to me." Jordan grinned opening the trunk and putting his and Roman's luggage in.

I rolled my eyes. "We're not related then."

"Don't lie, in that case you're his closest relative." Mia mumbled and Amy agreed.

"Am not." I pout.

"Are too." Amy pinched my cheek before entering the car, the others following.

"You'll must really love my brother to choose him over me." I rolled my eyes getting back in the driver's seat of the Escalade.

"I'm more lovable than you." Jordan grinned childishly as the others laughed.

"Whatever." I laughed too.







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