Chapter 29

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Kayla's POV

Amy wouldn't stop screaming in my ear.

Both Mia and I covered out hears to block out the loud, high pitched, annoying sound.

I told my friends what happened earlier with Aiden like five minutes ago. And yes, Amy's been screaming these entire five minutes.

Oh and remember what I said about not admitting my feelings towards Aiden out loud? Well... I broke that promise seconds after I made it.

Don't come for me okay, I know it's stupid to fall for a shitbag like Aiden. But to me he's more than just a shitbag. I see the good in him that no one else sees. Is that what it's like to have feelings for someone?  Everyone keeps reminding you of the negatives but you're partly blinded, aware of the negatives but they don't matter. What matters is the positive you see... Is this what it's like?

"Omg." Amy said out of breath.

"You've got to call him and say you changed your mind." Amy added.

"You know I'd never think I'd ever be so happy to see you out of breath." Mia said rubbing at her ears.

"Hey." Amy smacked Mia's shoulder.

"She has a point. Breathless looks good on you." I added.

"That's exactly what your brother said when his di-" Amy was cut off by Mia's sharp command for her to stop.

"I don't want to hear about my brother's fucking sex life. Shut the fuck up." Mia seemed to be close to tears which only made me laugh.

"You guys are such a horrible friends. Like who am I supposed to discuss suck things with?" Amy flopped down onto a stool  in exasperation.

"Says the girl who tried blasting her friends eardrums with her own voice yet we're bad friends?" Mia snorted.

"You guys are bullies." Amy laughed.

"Really? And all these years I've always thought I was the victim." I said bitterly.

"That's not the problem at the moment. You rejected the guy you like." Mia pointed out.

"Relax it's a test. If he really meant it he won't jus walk away, he'll prove he's worth my time." I said.

"Kayla this is ridiculous, not all guys will go around chasing the girl they're into. Once they get rejected they believe you're actually not interested and move on. Guys are stupid you know." Amy said softly.

"I'm not just going to jump into his arms and ride off into the sunset with him. Let's not forget who we're talking about here. He's used to girls chasing him around and I refuse to just be another one of them. I have feelings for an asswhole, and the thing is I see him as more than just a fuck face. I just feel like there's more to him than people know. But who am I to say that. I know nothing about the guy and yet here I am catching feelings." I said the last part softly, looking down at my feet.

Thoughts of that other night when he slept over flood into my head. He looked so broken, vulnerable.

"I never really looked at it that way. Whatever you choose to do, we're here for you." Amy agreed with Mia's statement.

"Thanks guys. Now enough about me. Miss Mia, who are you going to the dance with?" I wiggled my eyebrows. Brushing off my earlier moment of weakness.

"She got asked out by a black Greek goodness from a private school few miles from here." Amy gushed.

"Shut up." Mia smacked her playfully.

"I swear you act single." I laugh

"Shut up!" Amy smacked my arm.

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