Chapter 27

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It's been a while since we got home. Mia, Amy decided on staying the night. Ashton left for some volunteering thing I don't remember what it's about.

Kali flipped out when she saw Jordan. It was the cutest thing ever.

It's about midnight now, Jordan put Kali to bed and was forced to his room with Roman most likely to play video games since Mia, Amy and I chased them out of the living room for a movie night.

The kissing scene was about to come on when the buzzing of my phone interrupted.

"Hush your phone." Amy waved her hand in the air while popcorn flew all over the place.

Both Mia and I looked at each other before laughing.

Amy is one hell of a character.

I answered my phone and went to the kitchen. Wouldn't want to interrupt the kissing scene would I? Besides, the person calling is ruining it for me.

"Hello." I answered without checking the caller ID

"Hey hun how's everything going." My mother's voice came from the other side of the phone.

"It's great, I have a surprise for you guys when you get back." I chirped.

"Well what is it?" She asked curiously.

"Mom it's a surprise, I can't tell you." I chuckled.

"What ever. I was just checking up. Remember there's left overs in the fridge and you can cook, the cupboards and fridge are full, knock yourselves out but don't you dare touch my strawberries. And make sure to take good care of your sister, she has a sleepover tomorrow night at Julie's, drop her off and no parties in my house! If I get back and find out you had a party at any timein my absence, I will throw you in a bush somewhere and your father, he'dgo nuts. If I were to loose one of my vases because of a party, you'd be put up for adoption in Alaska-" She reminded me of the things which needed to be done.

"Mom you're rambling." I chuckled again.

"I'm doing it again aren't I?" I could hear the smile in her voice.

"Well-" I was cut off by a loud thud which came from the garage.

"Kayla what was that?!" Panic was evident in my mother's tone.

"Mom I'm gonna have to call you back." I hang up before I got a reply from her, I didn't need her to be stressing more on her trip.

I turned to Mia and Amy who were already watching me. They had paused the movie.

"You guys heard that too right?" They nodded.

Amy moving closer to Mia. She's hella scared of anything super natural.

"It's okay Amy I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for what we just heard-" I heard the noise again but this time louder.

"Jordan!" I screamed on the top of my lungs, feeling a burning sensation in my throat as a result.

No answer.


He came stumbling down the stairs.

"What?" He asked, his hair messy and let's not skip the fact that he's wearing SpongeBob boxes only.

"There's a noise coming from the garage." I pointed to the door in the kitchen which connected the garage

He approached the door slowly grabbing a chopping knife on his way.

He swung the door open violently, switching on the light at the same time.

I rushed behind him to see what was there, Mia and Amy also behind me.

I came face to face with Alex and Aiden like racoons stuck in head lights.

"Alex you made to much damn noise." Aiden gritted his teeth.

"Aiden, Alex what are you doing in my garage?!" I was confused, as well as everyone else.

"Don't kill me I'm innocent." Alex blocked her head in defense, making us crack up a bit.

They were dressed all in black like thieves.

I'm confused...

"You know these people?" Jordan yawned rubbing his sleepy eyes.

"Umm yeah." Was all I could say.

"Who's this?" Aiden narrowed his esey at Jordan. He visibly tensed and clutched his jaw.

"I don't owe you any explanations, what I want to know is why you snuck into my house and how you got past security?" I folded my arms across my chest.

"Well if a little birdy didn't steal my motor I wouldn't be trying to get it back." Aiden looked irritated.

Mia, Amy and I irrupted into an uncontrollable laughter. 

"Omg he's trying to get his motor back." I glanced at the motor on the floor near the door in the kitchen. After Ashton and I stuggled like babies to get this in my car, when I get home the gaurds carried it here and left it near the door in the kitchen and forgot to put it in the garage but that turned out to be a good thing.

"You mean this motor." I raised my eyebrows pointing at the heavy piece of car equipment, my friends and I laughing even harder now.

"I am so confused. You stole the guy's engine?" Jordan scratched the back of his neck, the butcher knife in the other hand.

"Maybe. But let's acknowledge you're wearing SpongeBob SquarePants boxers." We started laughing again, only this time Alex joining.

After the laughter died down Alex spoke again. "I think they're pretty cute." She flashed a cheeky grin.

"So are your eyes." Jordan smiled.

"Are you guys seriously flirting while he's wearing boxers, SpongeBob boxes exact." Mia wrinkled her nose clearly jealous. Awe, she's really crushing on him.

It was awkwardly silent before Aiden whispered something in Alex's ear.

"Right." She breathed out before screaming. "Run!!"

Both she and Aiden sprinting to somewhere in the front yard that wasn't the entrance gate.



"That was weird." Mia voiced out my exact thoughts.

"How old is she?" Jordan asked out of the blue.

"19?" I said it more like a question.

His eyes lit up like a child who got candy.

"Cool." Was all he said before walking back into the kitchen, the chopping knife still in hand.

"Weird is all I can say for what just happened." Amy said before walking back to the living room.

"Jordan was tots checking out Aiden's step sister if you ask me." Mia spoke grumpily walking away.

I just stood the same place.

What a weird night. It's a miracle Kali didn't wake from all the commotion.

Let's not even talk about the fact that they made so much noise while trying to break into someone's house. Not good criminals if you ask me.

I probably seem like a phycotic bitch for stealing his motor. It's a miracle I even pulled it off, as heavy as that thing is, I had to ask for help from some kids skipping class cause Ashton and I couldn't do it alone.

I don't feel bad about it tho.
He deserved it after all the trouble he cost me?🤷

What was I even doing..?







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