4. Tradition

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Aris gazed in wonder at the palace as we walked through the hallway. "How many rooms does it have?"

I shrugged. "No idea."


"I don't really know."

"What about secret passages?"


I answered Aris' slew of questions as I led them into my room. "This is so cool!" he gasped as he gazed around.

"Zeke," Nia called and I saw her standing near the wall where some of my paintings were displayed. "Did you make this?"

I nodded at the painting of a horse. Eleana. The first horse I had ever ridden on. I spent more time playing with her than actually learning to ride.

Nia's eyes widened. "That's really beautiful. I didn't know you could paint!" She gently brushed her fingers on the glass frame.

"This is so surreal," Aahan remarked as he walked over to the balcony and gazed below at the expansive gardens. "So many centuries of history..."

There was a knock on the door as I called out. "Come in!"

A woman walked in with a huge trolley laden with food. She smiled at me. "Good evening Sir and Sir's friends."

She walked over and set the trolley in the center of the room as I stared at her. The door opened a second time as my dad walked in. He beamed at me. "I thought we could have-" his eyes widened as he looked around at my stunned friends. "Oh!"

He walked over to us and smiled warmly at everyone. "Ezekiel, why don't you introduce your friends?"

It was almost comical to watch their horrified faces as I introduced them. My dad nodded, smiling at them. "I am pleased to have you all today. Thank you for joining us on this occasion."

I was pretty sure I saw Aris swoon.

"Also Zeke-" my dad said as he looked at me. "A word?"

I nodded as he led me a little further from them and lowered his voice. "I wasn't sure how I would react so I didn't say anything. But Evie wanted to come and wish you. If that's okay with you."

I stared at him for a while, my heart racing uncomfortably. For a while, I wondered if it was another one of Andreas' ploys. However, I could see the urgency behind my dad's grey eyes. I could sense the plea in his voice.  I had never really had greater difficulties with either of the Ellerman sisters. There had been times before, when I was little, that Evie had tried to talk to me. Even get to know me or play with me. The incident with Ezra however, had ravaged any possible relationships.

"Okay," I said simply , trying to act nonchalant.

My dad's face broke into a relieved smile as he nodded and walked out of the room. I walked back over to where Aris and Aahan were staring at me. Nia was still checking out the photoframes, her face awed. I took a deep breath and explained. "Evelyn wants to wish me."

"Evelyn...the youngest princess?" Aris asked, raising his eyebrows. "How's your equation with her?"

I shrugged, "I don't really have any equation."

We all turned towards the door as I heard the sound of soft footsteps. A few moment later, Evelyn poked her head inside, a shy smile on her face. "Hello everyone."

She smiled and walked over to us, dad trailing a few feet away. "Happy birthday Ezekiel,"
She said quickly, a flush on her face as she handed me a neatly wrapped box. I stared at it and then back at her. She was nervous as to what my response would be.

"Thank you Evie." I said, smiling at her.

It had always meant a lot to me when I had no friends in the palace and she had tried to talk to me. Inspite of the hostility that I faced from Andreas, I had somewhere hoped that I would be able to get along with the Ellerman siblings. A relieved smile broke over her face.

"Let me introduce you to my friends Evie," I nodded at Nia who smiled brightly back at us. "That's Nevaeh. That's Aahan-" I was a little surprised to see Aahan's starstruck face as Evie gave him a little nod. "And Aris."

Evelyn's eyes widened. "Oh!"

She gasped as her cheeks flushed. "Nice to meet you Aris."

Her voice trembled a little as she said that. "Pleasure to meet you too Evelyn," Aris smiled back at her and her cheeks flushed so hard that I thought she was hyperventilating.

She turned to me and spoke quickly. "I hope you like your gift Ezekiel. Enjoy. Bye."

She practically ran way from the gathering as we stared after her, stunned. My dad smiled at me, "She made the present herself Zeke," He nodded. "Enjoy."

He shut the door behind him, bidding farewell to us as Nia broke into giggles. "Looks like the princess has a crush on you Aris."

Aris blushed, grinning at me. "Don't want to brag but-" he winked, "I'm used to it," I rolled my eyes as he peered curiously at the gift. "What did she get you?"

I chanced a glance at Aahan and saw him looking a little annoyed. However, he didn't react.

I opened the neatly wrapped present and inside it, finding fluffy blue sweater. I took it out and noticed another wrapped present below it. It was a simple blue sweater, the wool soft and comfortable as I touched it. "Wow...I can't believe she'd actually take the pain of making one herself."

Aris shook his head in bewilderment.

I gazed at the sweater for a long while. A strange warmth spreading in my chest. "What's that other one?" Nia asked as she waked over to us and pointed at the smaller gift. I took it out, feeling the hardness and realized that it's a book.

"It's a book," Aahan declared, an intrigued look on his face. "Open it!"

I opened it and saw that the cover contained the photograph of a kid in his early teens. All of his outfit was ragged and torn, however, he wore a brilliantly shiny pair of boots and colourful socks that went up to his knees and disappeared under the brown shorts. He wore a white, simple shirt with holes, his light tumble down hair covering his face as he stood with his arms on his waist on what looked like a pile of gnomes- evil ones.

"Little Socks Adventure Boots illustrated!" Aris laughed. "How cute is that?"

I stared at the book for a while, my eyes becoming suddenly hazy as I felt my throat close up. I couldn't believe she had remembered. I couldn't believe she had considered me important enough to remember that little detail. My heart seemed to swell up to thrice its size as I stared at the book.

"Obscura to Zeke," Aris said, clicking two fingers below my nose. "You ready? Let's eat already!"

I nodded, carefully placing the book and sweater back in the box and putting it on the bed. "Alright, let's."

I uncovered the lid of the food tray and stared in wonder at the cake in front of me.

"Man you sure you wanna eat that? It looks too good," Aahan said as he looked at it.

He was right. The cake was simple, layered with dark chocolate. One of my favourite things. On top of it were elegant white and golden frosting in concentric circles, right up to the centre where a delectable strawberry sat.

"If you can't then I can help," Aris said as he peered over our shoulders.

Nia rolled her eyes and handed me the knife. "Go on Zeke!"

I cut into the cake as they broke into applause and Aris launched into a speech. "This would not have been possible without the help of my dear friends and of course, my own extraordinary abilities-"

I took a slice of cake and held it in my hand, looking around awkwardly. "Er-"

Aris leaned over, his eyes twinkling as took a bite of the cake. His eyes widened as he licked his lips. "That's so damn good."

"I think you should have another piece," Aahan said as he winked at Aris and cut another slice of the cake.

"Oh yes...or maybe two!" Nia said.

I felt like there was some conspiracy going on. Before I could realize what though, Aris smacked a piece of cake into my mouth as I spluttered. "What the fuck-"

Before I could finish, I felt more slices of cake on my face. The cold, sticky frosting sticking to my hair and sliding down my face and onto my shirt. I pursed my lips, shutting my eyes tightly to try and keep the chocolate out. After they had assaulted me with the chocolate, I wiped some of the cream away from my eyes and glared at them through a hazy vision. "What the fuck was that?"

They stared at each other and burst out laughing. Aris cut a piece of cake and started eating. "Birthday tradition, Sunshine."

I stared at them as they started digging into the snacks and sweets that were present. A strange feeling was blossoming in my heart. My birthdays had usually consisted of just me, back at Stonewall and occasional visits from dad which were usually cut short. I did have some celebration when I was a child at aunt Lisette's place. Although, it had been really traditional and with only my aunt and dad, sometimes my uncle. I suppose I had spent birthdays at my mom's place, but I didn't remember any of that. I had however seen similar 'Birthday Traditions' at Stonewall. Boys fighting and having food fights. I had always preferred to keep my distance. 

Afraid. Always so afraid.

I stared at them, my heart fit to burst. I wanted to tell everyone how much it had all meant to me. That they were there. And yet, nothing came to my lips and instead, I decided to bit into the strawberry.

I was still afraid. Still so afraid.

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