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Thousands of miles away in the Sentinel Sognare, Helios' eyes flew open.

He felt anxious. Disturbed. A sense of foreboding that seemed to expand in his stomach like spreading poison. He got to his feet, walking slowly towards the window and gazing at the elder tree again.

He gazed at the sky above, the light of the star somehow seemed feeble. As if it was losing out to the darkness. As if the call of the enigmatic raven was luring him in more than the beckoning of the stunning light.

He closed his eyes, searching for the light in his heart and grasping on to it.

He didn't want to believe in it, and yet he realized with dread that it was true.

The serpent of absolute darkness slithered ever closer. It's invincible fangs looming overhead. Ready to strike.  

Amethyst 2. Embark ✓ [Editing Now]Where stories live. Discover now