Chapter Three

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If you chose...

A. "Robinseed can I go see Torrentkit?"
"Yes darling... Just make sure to wash your paws after visiting the medicine den."

You run off to see your injured brother. As you look into the den, Silverpaw, the medicine cat apprentice, looks at you in surprise.
"Silverpaw? Can I see Torrentkit?" Silverpaw puts down the herbs she was sorting through. "Why yes of course (Y/N)!"
You dash over to Torrentkit, he looks at you with joyful eyes. "No one's come to visit me all day!" He said. "Do you want fresh kill? I could bring you some!" You gladly run off to the fresh kill pile. As you grab a thrush, a big muscular tom bursts from the thorn entrance. More and more cats flood in. You notice none of the cats are from Riverclan.

"Attack!" Hailstar growled at a black she cat. You run off to the nursery. Bad idea! Two cats were taking all the kits! Two other cats were gathering all the queens! A dark grey she cat forcefully grabbed you. Help!

If you chose...

B. "Robinseed can we rest?"
"Oh yes of course (Y/N)!" You curl up with your mother, her soft fur seeped into your fur.

You woke up to growls out side. Then four cats burst into the nursery. Two of them took Robinseed and Minnowfoot, an expecting queen. Two other cats took you and the other kits. Help!


The cats that took you ran along side another cat that was holding Torrentkit. "Torrentkit! Your wound!" Torrentkits wound was beginning to reopen. The grey cat that was carrying him, moved so fast. They must be Windclan cats! You thought. Once you reached the open moors, your investigation was confirmed. The invading cats dragged Minnowfoot on the ground. "Stop! As she can't run!" You tried to scream, but the sound of running paw steps drowned your voice out.

Soon enough the Windclan cats reached camp. As they shuffled through the entrance, didn't see any dens. Only a few lay here and there. A big tom rose from the shadows and say down onto a dead tree branch.
"Cats of Windclan! Our invasion was successful!" Yowls of satisfaction exploded from the crowd.
"But Thornstar! Surely it isn't right it take kits and queens from other clans! They'll want them back!" One cat objected.
Thornstar growled at her comment.
"With our kits they won't have apprentices. Without apprentices, there are no warriors! * sigh* Hazeltuft come up here..."
The she cat cautiously climbed over to Thornstar. Once she right next to him, Thornstar slashed her cheek. She fell off of the branch with a loud thud.

Do you....

A. Run over to help her

B. Stay where you are

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