Chapter Thirty Six

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Racing into the moors, you see dogs, dogs, dogs. You counted about twenty in total. Gorsepaw, Drifteyes, and Jaggedstripe were fighting a small pup. While Mistystream, Blazewing, and Pebblestep were being chased by a much bigger dog. Torrentpaw and Silverstripe raced into Windclan camp. You follow them as the break through the already torn down entrance.
Thornstar was lying limp in his den.
You thought of all the times he and his warriors mistreated you.
Oh how the tables have turned.
He wheezed out a pitiful breath.
A medicine cat from Thunderclan was crouched over him, she attempted to cover up his battle wounds with cobwebs but there was just to much blood.

She looked up to Silverstripe hopefully.
Silverstripe shooed you out.
"We need more warriors on the battle field." You nodded and wished them good luck.
Racing out of their camp, it seemed as if the dogs have doubled.
Many warriors were fleeting to gather more cats. Cats lied around everywhere. Blood pooling from their wounds. You go into the fight scene. Mistystream was being chased by a massive dog. Crispfeather, a Windclan warrior, was latched onto its back. You decided to help them. Bolting toward them the dog fixes it's attention to you. Your eyes were wide with fear. It's massive legs pushed its self off the ground. With the warrior still attached to its back, he sprang at you. You crouch, frozen with fear. A blur of big golden fur kicks the dog out of its path.
Once your eyes cleared up you see that the cat was almost as big as the dog!
"Hello, my names-" He let out an oof as the dog jumped back up and pinned him to the ground.
You latch onto his back with the Windclan warrior. You tear at its tough skin. Sadly You only made small dents in its skin. The dog turns around from the golden cat, who was now limp, and attempts to attack you.

Racing into the bushes, the dog was no longer following you. More warriors rush out of the undergrowth. They speed past you, fast as lighting.
You see the Shadowclan medicine cat, Dawnfern, was pulling the wounded cats from battle. His apprentice, Dreampaw, was applying cobwebs and goldenrod. He was quickly running out.

Do you...

A. Search him more cobwebs and goldenrod

B. Fight the multiplying dogs

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