Chapter Eighteen

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If you chose...

A. "It's true." You whispered. Pebblestep looked at you in horror. Her eyes started to tear up.
"Why would you do this to me!" She leapt at you. Her claws raked your belly. Hailstar ripped her off your back. Blood poured out your wounds. Silverpaw dashed over to you and brought cobwebs and goldenrod. Just before you passed out you saw Pebblestep lunge for your foot.

If you chose...

B. "She's lying!" You shout. Pebblepaw looks at you in astonishment. She suddenly leaps at you. Her sharp claws rake your cheek. You shout in pain. Silverpaw dashed over to you and brought cobwebs and goldenrod. The last thing you see is Pebblepaw bite your foot.


You forcibly open your eyes. The sun burner so much brighter. The rays pierced your eyes. No one was in the Medicine den at the time.
Soon after you awake, you here Hailstar call a clan meeting. You painfully step outside the Medicine den. Your paw ached as you stepped on it. You look down and,
My paw! It's gone!
Your paw was torn off by Pebblepaw/Pebblestep. The moss was soaked with blood.

Suddenly Silverpaw came bolting from the other side of camp. She grabbed you by your scruff and pulled you back inside the Medicine den.
"What were you thinking! You can't go outside!" She scolded.
"I just wanted to her what Hailstar had to say." You protest.
"Well someone else can report it to you! You can't go around getting infected!" You wince at the harshness of her words.
She softens and starts pulling off the cobwebs. You sigh, trying to hide the pain.
"Pebblestep/Pebblepaw got really mad at you. She attacked your foot when you passed out."
Silverpaw applied new cobwebs and more goldenrod.
"Today Hailstar is taking me to the Moonpool to get my Medicine cat name."
Silverpaws mentor had died when she were at the Moonpool. A fox attacked the Medicine cats. Thankfully Silverpaw was at camp tending to wounds. Her mentor had died from blood loss.
"That's nice." You replied.

You hear Hailstar dismiss the meeting. Soon after Torrentpaw comes charging in. He explained what happened,

"Hailstar said Pebblestep had disobeyed the warrior code and that we don't need code breakers in Riverclan. He said Pebblestep has until Sunhigh tomorrow to leave forever. Hailstar said he doesn't care where she goes. Just anywhere from here."
You gasp.
Who will be my mentor! Where will Pebblestep go!

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