Episode 5 - best friend?

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"So you play guitar?That's Amazing!" Irene exclaims.

"Yeah,I do!". taehyung replies in his almost whispering tone.

"A singer with guitar...what more can you ask for?".Irene says while turning the pages."So when I am going to hear to singing again?".


Lecturer enters interrupting their conversation.All stand up to greet the lecturer.He makes them sit and takes the attendance.Irene noticed that since her arrival there is this student that's always absent.Even today he was absent.She could hear girls from backbench gossip about him.

"Privilege of being the son of trustee?You get free attendance ".

"I know right!And also his reach is so far,Every person in this city fears him".

"Remember our last lecturer who tried to put him out of the class because he was late?".

"How could I even possibly forget?How could anyone forget?He was kicked out of the college after being humiliated in front of the students!That poor thing".

"I know right ".

'How can anyone possibly be that bad?' Irene thought.

"Don't think about it much or what others say ok?" Taehyung says while reading Irene's face.

"No..I wasn't".Irene chooses to ignore their talks and concentrate on the lecture.


Next day Taehyung is absent.So Irene and Wendy sit together.

"Your best friend is absent today?".Wendy teases her.

"'best friend ' You say?" Irene raises her eyebrows at her.

"Sorry sorry...haha..but Why is he absent?".

"How would I know?There must be some reason".

Wendy was taken aback by her direct answers.She understands that she doesn't express much.even if she is happy or sad.

"Oh ok".

A classmate calls Wendy so she goes there.Irene was writing down what was on the blackboard.Wendy comes back.

"Where did you go?" Irene asks without taking her eyes off the board.



Wendy looks at someone.Irene follows her gaze.A guy who was looking at them suddenly turns his head.

"What's happening?"Irene asks confused.

"Well...he...wants Your number!".

Irene is still for a moment.she doesn't react."Aaaand it starts!" she mutters to  herself.

Irene goes straight to the guy.

"What's your name?". she asks him with a straight face.

"....?me?" he looks behind him.

"Yes you!".

"Ji ...Ji hyun".

"Ok Ji hyun,I don't like getting attention. Especially from a guy.You better focus on your studies ok?".

He is disappointed.

"Oh ok". He replies in a low tone.

Irene starts going but she turns.

"And by the way...I don't like to carry cell phones...ok?.She goes back to her seat.

"He was cute.werent you too harsh?" wendy asks her.

"I have to be,world is too cruel these days".


"why were you absent yesterday?" Irene asks taehyung while he was busy writing the notes after borrowing Irene's book.

"I was writing a new song" he looks at her."I need a quiet place for that!"

"Oh wow".

Lecturer leaves after the class.they get to know that the lecturer of the next class is absent.

"Another free period?it's so boring".Irene says while resting her head on the desk.

"You don't like free periods?".Taehyun asks shocked.

"Yeah...I mean what to do in the free periods?".

Taehyung looks around.Everyone had phones in their hand.

"Well you could use your phone!".He tells her.

"I don't carry one!" she takes a book from her bag.

He is quiet for sometime but then  he finally speak."I want you to listen to my songs".

"really?wow....yea Yes I am ready!".Irene keeps the book inside her bag.

"Not here!".He says while looking around.

It flashes something to Irene.

"Come with me!".she gets up,so does taehyung.Irene goes while taehyung follows her.Lucky them,nobody noticed.

"Where are we going? He asks her.

"I know a place!".

"wait....I have to take my guitar first!".

He goes to his locker.Irene waits for him.Taehyung comes in 5 minutes.Irene  is flawed by the beauty of guitar.

"let's go".



I don't know how much of you have been waiting for the update.But for those who are,I am really sorry for the late updates.Too busy,As you know,it's the quarantine time and people are more busy these days especially women's.I want to write long chapters but what to do 😭.Anyways thank you for all the love and support.love you lots!

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