Part 1

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I slowly open my eyes when I hear my alarm clock. "Not again... I don't want to go back to school" but unfortunately I have to. I push the "snooze" button on my phone and get back to sleep. 

I don't know how much time passed when I feel a warm hand on my back.

- Honey. - My dad says - You have to get up or you will be late.

- Just 5 more minutes. Please. - I mumble into my pillow.

- Not now. It is the first day of your Junior year. Get your ass up and be ready please. I will bring you to school today. - He smiles and kisses my forehead.

- Okey okey. - I say and sit up in my bed. 

Dad leaves my room while I get out of my bed. 

"What a great day i think." I put my glasses on and walk to my wardrobe. "I have to decide what to wear." I actually walk in my wardrobe as I have a separate room for my clothes, shoes, bags and to all the other thing. A few moment later I realize I don't have to choose because I have to go in my school uniform. "Shit... Not that bad". I think while I stand in front of my mirror. I quickly brush my long dark brown hair and put some make up on. Just a little eyeliner, mascara and a little bit of highlighter. After I done with my make up I put my stuff in my bag and put my black high heels on and go downstairs. My dad is sitting in the dining room and slowly eating an apple. When he realizes I am there he looks up and asks me:

- Do you have enough money for today? 

- Yepp. - I smile.

- Good, than let's go. - He smiles back. 

We walk out of the house. 

- Which car? - I ask.

- The Range Rover. I go to work today. - He says. 

We both walk to his black car and get in. The time till we get to my school passes quickly. We talk and laugh. My dad stops in front of the school. I look out of the window and see a lot of kid in front of the building. 

- Thanks Dad. - I say and get out of the car. I close the car door but my dad quickly pulls down the window.

- D. I will get you after school okey? We should have a little after lunch lunch. - He smiles. 

- That would be great. - I say.

- Call me when you are over and I will be here in a few minutes. - He says.

- Okey, bye Dad. - I wave him and turn around. 

Some of the new students are watching me with wide eyes. Well yeah... Casual reaction when someone finds out that my father is Christ Hemsworth. I slowly look up on the building. The students in the area just call this place Elit. Not because everyone here is extra smart or really talented in something. The only reason where the name comes from the everyone here is rich. But not a little bit. This school is really expensive so only rich people can afford it. This is why you can find here famous people. Sounds ridiculous but here the kids who have famous parents have a little chill. Cause a lot of people also have famous parent. Or sometimes the kid is famous. No one wants to be your friend because you have money. Cause everyone have money here. And it is good but sometimes it can be bad. Money makes people egoist, arrogant and spoiled. And well this is the reason why I don't have many friend here. My best friend Sara, his boyfriend Nick and my ex boyfriend Collin. These three people who I really talk in this shitty place. 

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