Part 22

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Ondreaz's p.o.v.

My night was awful. I couldn't sleep I just lied in my bed and did nothing just thinking. How this whole shit happened. At 6.a.m. I get out of my bed. I just can't be in my bed anymore. I look at Tony and he is sleeping. I leave him in the room and walk down to have a coffee. Not surprising that D's father is already sitting there. 

- Hey Chris. - I great him. He looks at me and I can see that his eyes are red and there are purple circles under his eyes.

- I assume you couldn't sleep. - He says.

- Yeah. - I sit down in front of him. 

- Tony? - He asks.

- He just lies in his bed. - I say - Do you know anything new?

He shakes his head. 

- No. They didn't find anything. - He puts his head in his palms. - I don't know what more we could do. 

- Me neither. - I reply and whip my eyes as they start to get watery again.

- Okey. Can you help me a little bit? - He looks at me.

- Of course. - I say.

- Were there anybody in the school who doesn't like D? - He asks.

- I don't think so. She was really nice to everyone. She started to hang out with me and the senior boys lately. - I say - Sara acted a little bit weirdly with her lately. 

- Sara? - Chris looks at me.

- Yeah. They were basically best friend. - I say - You didn't know about that?

- No. She never talked about her. - Chris says.

- Sara is really a player. I mean she cheated her boyfriend Nick with Collin. 

- Collin? With D's ex boyfriend? - Chris asks. 

- Yeah and lately she tried to got a date with me. - I say. 

- I know that this is weird but do you think maybe she know something? - Chris asks. 

- Maybe. - I say.

- Get your brother. We go into your school and talk with the principal and that girl. Meet here in 10. - Chris says and quickly gets up. I follow him and I go back to my room. 

- Tony. - I shout but he is already up. - We back to the school and talk with Sara. 

- Really? - Tony asks. 

- Yeah. Let's go. - I say and we leave the room. We meet with Chris and go back to school. We walk in the school side by side. Everyone is looking at us. We enter  in the principal's office. He looks at us.

- Mr. Hemsworth? - He looks at us with a weird face. 

- Mr.Donald. - Chris says. - Where can I find that girl called Sara.

- Sorry I can not give you information about our students. - The principal says. Chris is leaning on the table with both hands. 

- It wasn't a question. My daughter went missing yesterday and as far as I know you didn't give a shit about it. So this is the minimum. Tell me where is she. 

- Ohm.. Okey. - He says and turns to his computer. 

- She is absent today and she leaved school yesterday after the long break. - He says.

- What about Nick? - I ask. He looks at the computer. 

- Same with Nick. - He says.

- Thank you. - Chris says and we leaves the office and the school.

- Shit. - Chris shout. 

- Maybe they all in the same place. - Chris says. 

I start to think. Sara called D a selfish b*tch. She wanted everything she has. Collin and than me... She is manipulative and controls everyone. 

- I know it is sounds insane. - I look at Tony and Chris. 

- Just tell. - Christ looks at me.

- What if Sara didn't missing. What if she took D?

D's p.o.v.

- I can not believe it is you Nick. - I say and I feel a little hope in this hopeless situation. We talk all night with Nick. How we get here and what could happen with us. I feel a little more comfortable if I can say it. I still terrified and every time I hear a noise I am afraid that they will come and get us. I sleep a little during the night but I do not know what should I do.

- D? - I hear Nick's voice.

- Yeah. - I whisper. 

- I am hungry. - He says and I smile a little bit.

- Me too. - I reply.

- Look D. I know it is a weird question. But do you have your phone with you? - He asks and I almost say yes but then I hear that voice in my head. "Do not trust in anyone".

- No. - I reply quickly - I think I accidentally dropped it when they got me. 

- Oh... Sad it would be really good if we would have one. - Nick says and I hear footsteps. The door what is in front of me opens and light comes in. I can see Nick clearly who is sitting in the corner. He looks at me and gives a little half smile. The person who comes down wear a mask and I can hardly recognize that this person is a girl. She holds a knife in her hand. I immediately feel fear and I try to sit as far as I can. She walks to nick and cut the ropes around his wrist. I am afraid what she will do to Nick. Terrible pictures pop up in my mind. I close my eyes hardly and tries to avoid these kind of thoughts. 

Suddenly Nick grabs the girls waist and pulls her in a passionate kiss. My mouth opens and I just stare at them. Nick grabs the girl's mask and pull it off. 

- Sara... - I whisper in my palm. They both look at me and laugh.

- Is it some kind of insane joke? - I look at them. 

- You will pray for it to be. But unfortunately no. - Sara makes a sad face. 

- Why are you doing this? - I look at them - I trusted in you. 

- Yeah this is why you are here now. - Nick says. Sara walks toward me and squatd down in front of me. 

- I will take away everything from you. Your dad. Your friends. Your money. Your boyfriend. And in the end I will take your life. - She says and puts the knife to my throat. I am afraid to move to breath or do anything. Tears slides sown on my face.

- So you will cry now. How cute. - Sara say and takes the knife away from my throat. I finally take a deep breath but suddenly she cuts my cheek. I feel instant pain in my face and I can feel that blood flow on my cheek.

- Baby let her. This is not how we planed. - Nick pulls Sara away. 

- I don't care Nick. - She pushes Nick away - I want to kill her now. 

Sara shouts. Nick grabs Sara and puts her on his shoulder walk out and close the door just before I faint...



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