Part 7

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I slowly open my eyes and see a white wall and a black nightstand. I try to move a little bit but I have to tell every little piece of my body hurts. Finally I can turn to my other side and this is the moment when I realize that I am not home and actually someone lies next to me. "Holy Shit... Where I am and who the f*ck is this." I think. I slowly sit up and look around. A little light percolate next to the curtain and I recognize the room. It's Tony's room. I look next to me where the unknown person is lying. I slide a little bit closer as slow as I can and look at him. 

- Tony? - I ask.

- Yep D? - I hear Tony's voice and he turns around. - Damn...

- What is it? - I ask. 

- Your face... Dre told me but I didn't thought it will be that bad. - He whispers and touches the left side of my face. When he touch my skin I immediately feel pain in the whole left side of my face. 

- Ahhh... -  I say. - Collin...?

- Yeah... - Tony says sadly. - Ondreaz is downstairs. You should talk to him. He is the one who basically saved you and bought here. He is the one who slept with you at night. Because I was too drunk to find my room so unfortunately I slept in his room. 

He says and gives me a nervous laugh.

- I go and talk to him. - I say and stand up and this is the moment when I realize that I only wear a T - shirt what is not mine. Tony looks at me and doesn't say anything. 

- Well... Nice T - shirt. - I say.

- Not mine... - He laughs at me. "F*ck...". I walk really really slowly. Still basically my whole body hurts. I get down on the stairs and go to the kitchen. Ondreaz is sitting next to the table back to me. He only wears pants. I can see his beautiful tanned back. 

- Dre? - I say quietly. He doesn't responds just turn around and looks at me. 

- F*ck... - He says angrily ans stands up. - I will kill that guy. 

I look at him and see a purple circle under his left eye. Suddenly I can only feel pain inside and tears run down on my cheek. I look on the floor and try to hide my face behind my hair. I don't want him to see my cry. 

- You shouldn't have to done that. - I say quietly while I am looking down. 

- Don't come with that shit... - He turns toward me and step closer - I had to do it. 

- But... But your eye. I am so sorry. - I look up to see in his eyes. - I am really sorry.

I start to cry. He steps closer again and he gently grabs my arms and pulls me into a hug. 

- Don't worry about my face. I had worst. I worry about your face. - He says and pulls away from me so he can see my face. He touches my chin softly and turns my head into the right direction. Se he can see my left cheek clearly. 

- It is not that bad. - I say him while I didn't even see it.

- Oh really? - He asks and pulls me in front of the mirror. 

- Not that bad? - He asks. You surly know that scene in the Twilight movie in one of the last part when they are on their honeymoon and the guy hurts accidentally the girl and show her the scars and stuff. Well this is just like that. He shows the purple dots on both of my wrist where Collin seized me. My face is swollen and purple. 

- Even down there. - Ondreaz looks down on my ass. This is the moment when I realize again that I only wear a T-shirt. I pull the shirt up a little bit to see what he sees and well yeah. He is right I can see purple spots down there too.

- So you are looking at my ass? - I look at him through the mirror. 

- It was really hard not to see it when we slept together. And also I had to undress you. - He looks at me. 

- Thank you for that too. And thank you for everything. - I say and turn around so I can face him.

- There is nothing to thank. - He smiles softly - Everyone would did this.

- But you were the one who did that.  - I say to him. I feel some kind of intimacy between us. He gently sweeps a lock of hair from my face. He looks at my lips and he drives me crazy he leans a little bit closer to me and a I do the same. Our lips almost touch each other. I can feel his warm breath on my lips. Right now the only thing I want is taste his lips. 

- Guys?? - Tony shouts and he breaks the moment we step away form each other and Tony walks in.

- Do I interrupt something? - He looks weirdly on Ondreaz and me. 

- No. - Ondreaz says and looks on me with a fake smile. 

- Yeah we just talked about the last night. - I play along.

- Oh, okey. - Tony says and sits down. 

- Guys I think I should go home now. I have a lot to do and I also don't want to bother you. - I look at them.

- You never bothers us. - Ondreaz says and looks in my eyes.

- He says the truth. - Tony says while his mouth is full with food.

- Gross... - I make a face and the laugh. - I really have to go.

- Want a ride? - Tony asks.

- You don't even have a driving licence. - I smile at him.

- But Onderaz has. - He pulls his shoulders and continue eating. 

- I can bring you home. - Ondreaz says while he is leaning to the kitchen table and crosses his arms in front of his chest. 

- That would be nice. - I smile. - I just go upstairs to get my clothes. 

- Okey. - They say. I walk upstairs and go into Tony's room. I start looking for my clothes but I can't find them.

- Guys! - I shout - Where are my clothes?

- Don't know. I don't even know where are mines. - Tony shouts back. 

- Dre? - I shout.

- I am not sure. - He says and I hear the he is walking up on the stairs. 

- By the way you are looking good in my shirt. You can go home in that and when I find your clothes we will exchange. - He smiles at me. 

- Deal. - I smile too.


Hey! Here is the new part.
Really hope that you like it. Please rate or leave a comment. 🤗
By the way I ám working on an another story.
Would you be interested in it?

Bori 💕

LA Elit - Ondreaz LopezTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon