Chapter XVII

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

We made it back to Resembol and Ed and I decided to go pay a visit to the graveyard. I still wasn't that well acquainted with the small town so it was nice to walk around with Ed. As we walked down the road of the graveyard, Ed came to a stand still. I followed his gaze and saw a man with blonde hair look back at us. We walked up to the same grave the man was at.

"Hello Edward, you seem to have grown some." He said. This man resembled Ed quite a lot.

"I heard from Pinako, you tried to do human transmutation." He spoke again. This man seemed to only anger with every word he spoke.

"Why the hell is it any of your concern? There is nothing left for you here now!" Ed exclaimed. 

"Yes, I saw that. You burned down my home." The man said. It clicked, this must have been Ed's father. The one I have heard so many awful things about.

"It was a symbol of our ress-" Ed was cut off.

"No it wasn't. It was a resemblance of your fear. No different from when a kid hides the sheets after he wets the bed." The man said. Ed became even more enraged. Ed quickly turned around and grabbed my hand, a bit harder than he intended and we walked back to the Rockbell residence. Once we entered Ed stormed up to the room he was staying in. I stayed downstairs for a moment.

"Is something wrong?" Pinako asked.

"Well, I think we bumped into Ed's father when we went to the graveyard. They spoke a few words and we ended up back here sooner than expected." I explained. "I am going to go check on him." I said walking up the stairs. I knocked on his door, getting no response. I slowly opened the door and saw him facing the  opposite direction of me on his bed. I walked inside the room and made my way over to his bed.

"Are you alright, Ed?" I asked. Ed gave me no response. I sat on the bed next to me. "Come on partner, you can talk to me." I reasoned. Ed rolled over onto his back with a sigh. "That's more like it." I said. I decided to take off my mask and jacket, since I was in a comfortable environment. Ed stared at me for a moment before smiling at me lightly.

"That man, That was my father. I haven't seen him in a long time, he just left us one day so I am not that fond of him." Ed said briefly. I nodded getting he doesn't like talking about him all that much.

"Well, I guess I will give you some room." I said getting up, only for Ed to grab my wrist softly.

"I don't mind if you stay...." Ed trailed off, the beginnings of a light blush dusting his cheeks.

"You would like for me to stay?" I asked, a smirk making its way to my face. His blush deepened when he nodded a yes. A full smirk was evident on my face. I kicked my shoes off and joined him on the bed. We just sat there. I made myself comfortable. Once I was relaxed, unexpectedly Ed pulled me closer to him, wrapping his arms around me. I was surprised by his actions but accepted it not hating the feeling of him next to me. Without even noticing, I found myself fiddling with his loose blonde locks. I felt him stiffen for a moment then I heard him hum in approval. Time felt like it came to a stand still. It was just so peaceful. I soon heard soft snores come from Ed, I guess he enjoyed lying next to me as I did him.


I had fallen fast asleep but had woken up due to Ed's tossing and turning. He was in a cold sweat and had a disturbed look on his face. Ed must have been having a horrible nightmare. I leaned over him and softly caressed his face. I don't quite understand why I was being so caring towards him. His eyes jolted open and looked right into mine. 

"Goodmorning, bad dream?" I asked. Ed seemed to relax the longer he stared into my eyes. My hands laid rested on his cheek, Ed put his hand on top of mine.

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