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“hello! it's been a while.”

“yeah. how are you, tommy?”

“i'm good. how about you?”

“same as you. uh—no. more like, i feel more great.”

“oh— good to hear. are you seeing someone now?”

“not yet. but i think i will, very soon. — ow! ouch haha.”

“ey, what happened?”

“sorry haha. i just fell.. from the chair.”

“aw. you should be careful.”

“hm. so how's life going with you? seems like you're in a good mood.”

“not really. haha.”

“hmm. i think i know the answer. ”

“eh? how'd you know?”

“secret. is it about jimmy?”

“what?! no way?!”

“oh. really?”

“hm. yes. really.”

“if you say so...”


“eh? did i just consumed all my load?— but i'm not the one who made the call tho...”

Midnight Calls ( Jimmy & Tommy )Where stories live. Discover now