Chapter Three - Pride

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John had eagerly waited hours for a perfect time to go on his mission to capture the woman. His anxiousness level grew when he got the report that she was in the area. He wondered what she was doing so close to his home, but deep down, he didn't care. However, when his man said he was within 100 meters of the ranch, he got confused. His stomach dropped, and he couldn't think of a way to change his plans.

"You may return back, I no longer require your services," John said into his radio to his soldier. He responded with "yes sir," and returned to his home.

John paced around his office in search of a plan B. I could always stick my head out the window and yell for her, he thought. He cursed at himself for joking at such a serious time, and he got back on track. However, that gave him an idea.

John went to his intercom system and spoke clearly, "soldiers, I ask that you place your weapons down onto the ground and continue on your duties. And... deputy... come up to my office, would you?"

He praised himself for coming up with an idea on such short notice. Some of his men outside yelled in confusion, but followed his request. Looking out the window, he hoped that deputy had heard him. In case she didn't, he repeated himself. "I repeat: my men, please place your weapons down and continue on your duties. And deputy, I expect to see you in my office soon."

John returned to his office and left the door open to show the deputy where to go. He leaned his back against his desk, facing away from the open door. He put his hands on the desk behind him and crossed his legs at his ankles. He looked up at the ceiling, pretending to pass time to where she would be in his office already.

Upon hearing the announcement, Rae stopped in her tracks. She looked at Grace with a cocked eyebrow, and she returned the look. The two watched as the cultists outside his house followed the instructions quickly. They began to look around, and Rae assumed they were looking for her.

"Do I even go up there?" she questioned, almost panicking. "I think it would be a better option to just fight it out."

"You know what to do if things go south. I vote go. See what happens."

She was almost surprised by Grace's answer. She expected her to say no, just shoot the bastard.

As she decided what to do, she handed her weapon and backpack to Grace. She kept her knife in her back pocket just in case. Grace knew to keep watch for any suspicious activity.

"Good luck up there," Grace attempted to joke as Rae began her walk to the ranch.

The closer she got to the ranch, the cultists stared at her. It's as if they didn't believe she was here. They didn't believe she was real. They had never seen her before. It was like a civilian seeing Joseph for the first time.

Cultists stared at her as she passed them. Her eyes never left the ground, as she was afraid to make eye contact with them. She didn't know how they would act.

Finally, she entered the house and looked around. The house was beautiful, to say the least. As she looked around, chills immediately went down her spine when she realized she was alone in a house with John Seed. However, she quickly swallowed her fear as she made her way up the stairs. She saw a door that hung open, and she assumed it was his office.

As she reached it, she peaked her head inside. She looked at his back as he was still leaning against the desk with his back against the door.

"Come in, deputy," he finally declared.

She nearly jumped at his comment. She hoped he hadn't noticed as she slowly padded into the room. She avoided being too close to the baptist. He laughed at her obvious fear of him. He moved out of the way so she could sit in a chair in front of his desk, and he took a seat on the corner of his desk, allowing her to feel more relaxed. Sure enough, it did. Her comfort level rose slightly when she realized he didn't have an interest in kidnapping her.

She wasted no time. "Why am I here?"

"You know why you're here, deputy. You're here because I want to hear your story. I want to hear you confess everything."

"Forget it, John. I'm not telling you a goddamn thing."

"Pride," he stated simply. He stared at her with no emotion.

She squinted at the man, trying to read his expression. He gave a small laugh in return.

"I don't want to do this because I have to, deputy. I want to do this because I want to. I'm interested in your story. What secrets you could have hidden in the darkest parts of your mind." He leaned forward and placed his hand on the top of her's. She pulled it back instantly.

"You don't need to know a thing about me."

"I already know a lot about you. I know your sins, deputy. Your confession is just your story about your sins. Wrath. Pride. Greed. What makes you those sins?"

"Cut the shit, John. Why don't we just... make a deal, hm? You let me go without hearing my confession, and I'll let you go without killing you. How does that sound?"

John immediately felt angry at the way she was speaking to him. As if he were an inferior to her. She stood and began to walk towards the door. But once he snapped back into reality, he stood before her and slammed the door shut behind him with his left arm. She stood directly in front of him, too frozen to move.

He lowered his head down to beside her ear. His voice, as well, got considerably lower. "You will not disrespect me like that. Either we can do this the easy way, or the hard way."

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also my dumb ass published the book without choosing a name, so i had to come up with one on the spot. you may have noticed i changed it, just bare with me

love u babes <3

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