Chapter Seventeen - I'm Not Your Property

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Just like that, she didn't feel regret. She didn't feel like she was going against anybody. Even her friends. She understood that she was her own person. She didn't belong to the Hope County Police Department, not the resistance, and not Eden's Gate.

She was her own.

This realization didn't make her want to leave the resistance. It simply made her want to live for her. If she wanted to have sex with Jacob again, she would. John? Absolutely. She would also kill them if she wanted.

She was her own.

It made her feel free. There was clarity in her life, now. Everything made sense. Nothing was a mistake anymore.

She made her way back to the Wolf's Den, making sure to check if anyone was following her. Even now, without belonging to the resistance, she still considered some of them as friends. It wouldn't be right to not let them know she's alive.

Waiting for her in the same place was Eli, accompanied by Jess. Their eyes widened when they saw her in perfect condition.

"Deputy! You're okay!" Eli exclaimed.

"And you're not beaten up?" Jess questioned

"What can I say?" she said proudly.

"How did you manage to escape Jacob without a scratch?"

"I have my ways," she smirked. She didn't care if they knew. As a matter of fact, she almost wanted them to know. If the bite marks down her neck didn't give them away, she thought of a way to purposely let it slip on accident.

"What happened?" Jess asked.

"Just a lot of convincing. He took me to his house. Nice place, surprisingly." She shrugged, acting like it was no big deal.

"You don't even seem fazed by this," Eli said.

"I'm not. I told you, he didn't hurt me. Well, he did. But not exactly in a bad way."

And just like that, she turned around and left the den, leaving Eli and Jess to comprehend what just happened. They looked at each other with furrowed eyebrows.

"How could he have-"

"Oh my God, Eli," Jess exclaimed, "they fucking fucked."

"What? Jess, that's crazy. They couldn't have. She wouldn't."

"How else would he have hurt her in a good way? And did you not see his markings on her neck?"

Eli thought for a moment. "I- maybe- they just-"

"Exactly," Jess said. "Goddamn, I knew she was crazy, but I didn't think she would stoop that low."

"What does that mean for us? Is she still going to help us?"

"I don't know," she said with a quiet voice. "She wouldn't join the cult. And if Jacob took her to his house, he isn't planning on turning her into a chosen."

"Goddamn," Eli said. He looked at the TV's behind him to see if he could track her location.

She didn't know where to go. She didn't want to seem too eager going back to Jacob's cabin. But now that she told Eli, the entire resistance knew of one secret.

"Deputy," Dutch said through the radio.

"Hey, Dutch," she responded.

"What's your plan now?" he asked. He must not know yet.

"I don't know, Jess and I took care of most of the mountains-"

"I don't mean with that. I mean now that you've fucked us over."

Oh. He did know.

"Dutch, I didn't fuck anyone over. I'm not your property. I never signed that I would fight your goddamn battles for you. Every day, I fight these battles on my own because I was the only one with big enough balls. You're all cowards, who sit around all day, waiting for me to come back so you can add to my 'to-do' list. I'm doing shit my way, and if you don't like it, then you can find another deputy."

Only radio static filled the quiet forest. She shut the radio off and put it in her bag. It felt good to get everything off her chest. Now began her journey of herself.

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