Chapter Six - Say Yes

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Fall's End wasn't happy with the deputy, as she failed to complete the most important task she had been assigned. Though, they still trusted that she would get it done. They started to realize that she was doing more things than she wanted.

"Deputy, can I speak with you for a moment?" Pastor Jerome stopped her. She was making her way back to the Spread Eagle, but he caught her just in time.

"Uhm, yeah, sure." She followed him at a distance as he led her to his church. She assumed this was about John, but hoped it was about literally anything else.

As they reached his church, he asked that everyone exit. He noted that the two needed to have a private conversation. That, alone, proved the idea that this was about John.

"What happened to you, deputy? I know you don't like talking about encounters with the Seeds, but... I know something happened. You have been here for three days, and you haven't acted like yourself. What went on that day?"

"We just talked, Jerome. It's John, he fuc-" she stopped herself from cursing, remembering she was in Jerome's church. "He just messed me up a bit, okay? You know how he is. He won't let anyone walk away without a scratch."

He hummed. Something inside of him didn't believe she was telling the full truth. But he accepted her answer. He was trying to force it out of her. "Is there anything you'd like to talk about?"

"You sound just like him," she said under her breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing," she sighed. She ran a hand through her hair and sat back in her seat. Jerome did the same.

"I want to help you, deputy. I want you to know that you don't have to keep things hidden. I'm a pastor. Even if you do agree to walk with them through Eden's Gate, and you change your mind, I'm here to grant you forgiveness from God."

"So, you want me to confess, too?" she cocked an eyebrow.

He hung his head down. He hadn't thought of it in that way. "Essentially...," he trailed off.

"Forget it, Jerome. I'm not doing this. Religion just isn't my thing. You, nor John or Joseph, no one can bring me into their religion. I'm tired of this. Just let me do my job." She normally wouldn't have had such a short temper, but she knew that no one would forgive her for what she had done. Even God.

Though, instantly, she felt guilty for speaking to him in such a manner. However, she didn't want to back down and apologize to him. Instead, she stood up and exited the church, leaving Pastor Jerome unsatisfied with their conversation. He sighed in defeat, as he knew he would never get her to crack. He felt genuine concern for her. She wasn't herself anymore.

She walked as fast as she could, to nowhere in specific. The bar crossed her mind, but she wasn't in the mood to drink. She ignored people walking by who tried to talk. She decided the best place to go would be her little house that she had been staying in. As she entered the door, she shut it behind her and leaned her back against it. Her hand instantly went to cover her mouth to muffle her sobs. Tears began to fall from her eyes, as she felt more insecure and scared than ever. To say she regretted going to John's house was an understatement. She wished she had never joined the Hope County Police Department.

John did this to her on purpose. He knew that doing this would fuck her stability up, and he would just get to live in euphoria. He had sex with the deputy. He knew that eventually, she would slip up and tell someone, and the only place she'd have to go would be to his home. It was a smart tactic, but that made her want to pull the plug on Eden's Gate that much faster.

Rae slid down to where she was sitting, and rested her head in her hands. Her knees were balled up to her chest, and she just sat there. She hoped no one would visit her today. Daily, at least one person knocked on her door to ask her to do something. More than anything, she wanted to tell them to do it themselves. But being the hero of Hope County, that wasn't an option. She had to suck it up and say yes.

kind of a boring chapter, but it'll get better. i hope.

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