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Hope County had returned to normal. Well, as normal as Hope County could be.

Joseph, needlessly to say, remained as the Father for Project at Eden's Gate. He was worshipped by many, and those numbers grew daily. Soon, Hope County's only population were the cultists. The resistance hardly had a place there.

Dutch had worked out an agreement with Joseph, of all people. He would fit as many people as he could on his island, and it was to remain untouched by Eden's Gate. It bothered Joseph, but he couldn't be greedy. Dutched lived on his island with his niece, Jess, Eli, Grace, Nick, Kim, baby Carmina, Pastor Jerome, Hurk, Sharky, Adelaide, Sheriff Whitehorse, Deputy Pratt, Deputy Hudson, and many more. They had built many neighborhoods to house everyone.

Faith was still her "psycho," self, as Rae would call it. She had made it to the top of the Seed family, as most resistance members were afraid of her. She was like Medusa; if you looked, you were definitely done for. The Bliss doesn't set anyone free like she says. It only kills them slowly.

John was still John. Since Rae's confession, he loved doing them even more. He knew just how sacred some confessions could be, and how lucky he was to hear someone's story. Though, he had to admit, he missed having the deputy around. It was boring not having one specific person to fuck with.

Jacob struggled. He hated the fact that he let himself get so attached to Rae as quick as he did. However, he wasn't close enough that her departure broke him completely. Within a week, he was back to his old self. Many said that he had gotten soft on his soldiers-in-training for the first few days. After Rae had been gone for a while, he was even harder on his people. Worse than he ever was before.

Rae had begun searching for her happiness. Being a deputy wasn't what she wanted to do. She realized she wasn't good at her job, either. Sleeping with the criminals is highly frowned upon in a police department, regardless of where they are based.

Jacob crossed her mind often. She wondered how he was doing. She wondered if she made the right choice. However, when she noticed changes in herself, she knew she did. Waking up in the morning wasn't difficult. She gained her appetite back after eating three meals a day. Everything was almost back to normal. She just wished she could forget everything about Hope County.

Eventually, the thoughts of Hope County crossed her mind almost weekly. Just enough to keep her wondering. Generally, these thoughts come after she received a bouquet of flowers in the mail. Delivered every Tuesday. Beautiful white flowers. She knew she had seen them before, but she couldn't remember where. The smell just brought her back to a place she loved, making her appreciate the gifts more and more each week.

By the second month of receiving the flowers, she had returned thinking of Hope County almost daily. She couldn't shake Jacob from her mind- how hurt he looked when she left. And John- as much as she loathed the man for forcing her to confess, she weirdly missed him in her life. All of her resistance friends who wondered where she had disappeared to, even Joseph and Faith. Not having a fight in her life was odd.

Every time she smelled the flowers, it brought her back.


Lol hey. Been a while. Deleted Wattpad like 3 years ago without finishing this book (I'm literally so evil). I got back into my FC5 obsession and remembered I had this book and I wanted to read it. So without further ado, here is the last half of the book <3 thanks for all the reads!

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