Chapter Eleven - "Ol' Blast in the Brain"

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As she pulled up to John's ranch, she was greeted by a swarm of cultists. John wasn't expecting her arrival so soon, so he didn't know to tell them not to engage in combat with her. Since he didn't, she began blasting heads off. One by one, cultist blood splattered across the ground. By only halfway through the swarm, she was covered with blood.

John, hearing the ruckus from outside, looked out his bedroom window. He was surprised to see the deputy slaughtering his men. However, he didn't react. He just watched with a smirk at how good of a job she was doing.

John cursed at himself, though. Not because of how much he admired the deputy. Because he looked down after feeling something in his pants.

"Of all times, why now?" he questioned. But he looked back at the woman. She was screaming, covered in blood, and her hair was a freak show. Two out of the three he had seen before, but the blood just excited him that much more.

"I'll never get enough of you, dear deputy," he said to himself before walking away from the window. He excused himself to his bedroom, where he continued to replay the deputy outside his house in his mind. He continued to grow as he remembered, and cursed before sliding his pants down to help himself.

Once the deputy had finally cleared out every cultist, she looked up at John's house. She wondered if it would be worth it to talk to him about why he did this, or if she just needed to take the plane back.

Before she could decide, the front door opened, and John came out. He had a larger-than-ever grin. Her unknowing of what he had just done made him that more excited and proud.

"What the fuck was this for, John?" she yelled.

"You're doing your job, and I'm doing mine, deputy!"

"No," she commented as she made her way towards him. Once she reached him, she put her hands on his chest and pushed him backwards. "You're doing this in hopes I'll fall under your spell again. It's not going to work, John. I'm done screwing around."

Just as she was about to push him again, he grabbed ahold of her wrists, causing her to gasp. He smirked as his grasp got tighter.

"Let me go," she said through gritted teeth.

"I don't think that's on my to-do list."

She glared at the man. At this time, she felt nothing for him but wrath. No lust, no pride, just wrath.

"John, let me go."

He thought about her. Why did she have such fluctuating feelings for him? When they were alone, no job to think about, she adored him. She would look into his eyes and smile. But when she was on duty, she hated him. She did want him to die. It confused John.

John let her go. She turned on her heels and left for the hangar for Nick's plane. John normally would have gone after her, but he assumed he had done enough in one day. He only went back into his house and planned his next visit with her.


"Deputy, thank you so much!" Nick pulled her into a quick, tight hug. He examined the yellow plane thoroughly to be sure John hadn't messed with it.

"What was it like there?" he asked, in a semi-serious tone.

"It was armed. I got a little blood on your seats in there, I can clean that up for you." She forgot to mention that first, she was afraid that Nick would be mad at her. It was also in attempt to change the subject.

"Awh, don't worry about that! I'm glad I have Carmina back! Now spill some details!"

"It wasn't that big of a deal, there were just... lots of cultists. Lots of blood spill. John was th-" she stopped herself and realized she had fucked up. She didn't want to mention that John was there, because then she would have to come up with an excuse as to why she didn't kill him.

Nick stopped checking the plane out. His voice quieted. "John Seed was there? Not at his bunker?"

"Um, yeah. He was there."

"Oh, deputy, I know what you did! You gave him the ol' blast in the brain, didn't you?" Nick playfully punched her shoulder.

"Something like that," she nervously laughed.

Nick just laughed at her. Now, she understood how bad the situation was. First Grace knew she had slept with John, and now Nick thinks he's dead.

I can't stay here anymore, she thought. After talking with Nick for only a few minutes, and denying his offer for her to stay with him and Kim, she drove away from Holland Valley.

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