Chapter Nineteen - Family Meeting

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Joseph had called for a family meeting. They were rare, and so everyone was worried that something was wrong. Once the meeting began, their fear was wiped when he started talking about the deputy.

"We have a big problem on our hands. The deputy is getting far too... close to our family. I don't think she has good intentions, either," Joseph said. His siblings sat around a table, and he stood at the end. "I can't quite go into details, unless someone in the room would like to share."

"Oh, you mean the fact that her sin is lust?" John asked, trying to hide his smile.

Jacob looked at his youngest brother with wide eyes. "You too?"

"You too?" John was surprised. Somewhat hurt, but more surprised.

"Well, now that everyone knows...," Joseph started, "you two may believe that she is just being 'friendly'. But I'm not to keen on that idea. I believe this woman is trying to get into your minds so they can take us over." Joseph pointed two fingers to his temple as he said 'your minds.'

"Use the Bliss," Faith suggested quietly.

"Faith, I already told you, we can't have this one as an Angel. She would benefit most as a chosen. She's far too strong to be an Angel."

Faith wished she could feel in place here. Jacob and John had a place in their mission. Faith didn't feel important.

"We just need you, Jacob, to not fall under her spell again. I know it will be hard, I know how tempting sin can be."

Jacob nodded, but he was nervous to say yes to him. If he said yes to Joseph, but then made the same mistake, there were severe consequences.

"Very good. And, John, just because this is now Jacob's mission doesn't give you a right to sin with her."

John had already promised himself that he wouldn't. After her confusing words and actions, he understood that he didn't deserve someone like that. John deserved someone who was sure they wanted him, not only when it benefited him.

"And Faith," the Father finally gave in, "if Jacob fails at his task, I will consider the Bliss as an alternative method."

Faith's face lit up as she nodded. It was a start.

"You all may leave now. Return to your day's work."

The family split up and returned to their homes. Joseph continued to think about the deputy. Before Jacob got ahold of her, he wanted a word with her.

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