Chapter Twelve - Traveling

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Her hands gripped the steering wheel tightly. Caused by her thoughts of the mistakes she has made in the past two weeks. First, she made the mistake of travelling to Hope County in the first place. Then it was accepting the mission to liberate John's home, meeting him, and hooking up with him. Lastly, it was allowing Nick to believe John was dead. She couldn't have fucked up any worse. Which is overall why she decided to leave the valley.

After she had drove for only an hour, she made her decision. The Whitetail Mountains were the best option. Now, Jacob Seed, being the oldest and toughest, scared the living hell out of her. But perhaps, all she needed was a little spook from the Seeds to get her mind off of the non-terrifying, but very tempting John Seed.

Just as she crossed the border into the mountains from the valley, Dutch spoke through her radio.

"Deputy, you goin' to the Whitetail Mountains? Head up to the Wolf's Den, my friend Eli Palmer has a great resistance place set up. You can't miss it, it's just east of a helicopter landing site."

"Thanks, Dutch. I'll be there soon. Maybe half an hour."

"Okay. And hey, while I have you on the line, did you get John taken care of?"

"Um, not exactly." She scratched the side of her head with the hand that held her radio.

"Why not?" He didn't sound mad. He just wanted to know why she was moving on without finishing one region up.

"I just needed to get away from there," she admitted. "John was getting on my nerves. Just stole Nick Rye's plane. He's pushing my limits."

"And you think Jacob's going to be any better?"

She immediately thought yes. That she wouldn't go through the same thing with Jacob that she was with John.

"I'm sure as hell not going to the Henbane yet. Faith will fuck me up using her bliss."

"Jacob will torture you, deputy. Starve you. Make you think you're weak. You'll be one of his 'pets' in no time."

"Still better than the bliss," she declared. She saw a gas station, and looked at her tank. The conversation was ending at a perfect time. "I gotta go, Dutch. I'll let you know when I get to your buddy's place."

She disconnected the radio and got out of her vehicle. The resistance members around her stared. She hadn't thought about the idea that changing locations meant new people to meet. More people to disbelieve in her existence. More people to ask for favors.

"Deputy? What are you doing here in the mountains?" one man asked.

"Just needed a change of scenery, I guess."

As she entered the store, more eyes fell on her. She tried to ignore it, but it was difficult. No one else talked to her, other than the cashier. Who also granted her free gas at that station any time she needed it.

After filling the tank up, she pulled out her map to see where this 'Wolf's Den' that Dutch had mentioned was. Once she finally got it located, she began to drive. However, the last thing she remembered was pulling out of the parking lot.

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