Chapter Twenty Two - Committed

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The deputy had woken up late in the afternoon. The last time she had that much sleep was the first time Jacob had captured her. She laughed at the irony; both times she had a good night's sleep were thanks to Jacob. The circumstances were just different.

She rolled out of bed and made herself look not terrible. She wore one of his grey T-shirts, but no pants. The shirt went down far enough, there was no need for pants. It was comfortable to be able to wear something that wasn't bulletproof or too tight.

She made her way out to the kitchen when she smelled something. A smile grew on her face when she was looking at the back of Jacob as he was making something. Once he turned around and saw her, something in him snapped. He smiled at her.

"Sleep well?" he asked.

"More than well." She moved a strand of hair out of her face that had fallen out of one of her braids.

"Good. If you want another change of clothes I can get you-"

"I'm fine, Jacob. Thank you." She already had more than she could ask for.

He nodded before continuing in the kitchen. She admired the way he knew what he was doing. He always seemed like the kind of guy who expected a meal to be on his table every day when he got home from work. But he seemed rather intelligent in the kitchen.

"What are you creating in there?" she asked. She still leaned against the doorway.

"Just somethin' I killed. You look like you havent eaten in days."

"I haven't," she shrugged.

Jacob had realized that him and the deputy were no longer enemies. With Joseph going against his own set rules, and Jacob being ordered to train her to be a chosen, he didn't see a purpose. The deputy was no one to fight. She was just someone living, trying to survive daily with two sides of the war attacking her. Jacob was said to be a cold, cruel man, but he knew an unfair fight when he saw one.

"It's your lucky day, then. My own venison right here."

"Where'd you learn to cook like this?" she asked as she snuck up behind him. She looked around his shoulder at the meat in the skillet.

"Just experiments. Failed and successful."

She laughed. Without thinking, she leaned her head against his arm.

"You're not getting soft on me, are you?" he asked.

"Not a chance," she confirmed, picking her head up.

He moved away from the woman to finish up what he was fixing. He put a plate together and handed it to her. She responded with a thank you and went to the table. Jacob told her to go ahead and eat, to not wait for him. On any other day, she wouldn't listen. But her stomach felt like it was eating itself.


Jacob wished that he could stay with the woman, but he had to get to his bunker to work. She wondered what to do. She never had a day where she had nothing to do. It felt unnatural.

She thought about her relationships with John and Jacob. She didn't feel committed to either of them, but something in her felt happy when she was around them. Neither more than the other. But if she stayed with Jacob longer, she knew that would change.

That was something she didn't want, though. She didn't want to feel commitment to anyone. Let alone someone in the Seed family. She feared that her actions would make one of them feel committed.

She still felt some kind of connection to them. Something that made her not want to walk away from them completely. It would be shitty to be both of their friends with benefits, but it was almost her only option. Sexually, she loved both of them. They both satisfied everything she needed. But she wasn't sure how right it felt.

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