Chapter Twenty One - Mountain Man

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"So, Joseph, you did the same thing we did, hm?" John spoke to his brother over the phone.

"No! Lord, John, I should have the gates shut to you just by that assumption!"

John snickered on the other line. "You let her get away, because she got in your head. Isn't that the exact same thing you told us?"

"Well, yes, but I-"

"Joseph, I am, and I'm sure Jacob is too, done with this. You want to get her, then fine. Do it your way. But I'm not trying to help with her anymore."

John hung up. Joseph was surprised at John's outburst. He had never spoken to him like that before. But he couldn't be angry with him, he understood his aggravation.

John was right, too. With Joseph going against his own rules, Jacob didn't feel like it was necessary to train the deputy. She was old news in the county.

Joseph couldn't rest, though. Not until he had satisfaction with Rae. He wouldn't give up on the woman, even if he died doing so. Something about her intrigued him more than any other sinner in the county. He saw something in her, and he was determined to find out why.

The deputy had noticed that none of the siblings had anything to do with her since Joseph. About a month had passed, and there was no sign of Jacob's men going after her. It confused her, but didn't bother her.

She thought of something, she understood it was something she shouldn't do. But she didn't care about it. With the reminder of 'I'm my own person,' she found the strength to do it.

It was nighttime, easily two in the morning. What better time to do it than now? She made her way through the forest in the Whitetail Mountains, until she reached Jacob's cabin.

There were only two cultists patrolling the area, which she easily took out by snapping their necks.

Once she reached his door, she delivered three sharp knocks. She assumed he wouldn't be awake, so she continued to bang on his door until he answered. When the door opened, he had a rifle pointed to her chest.

"Goddamn, deputy, what the hell are you here so early for?" He put the rifle down and pulled her inside.

"I was in the area," she lied.

"And you decided that here was the best place to go? It's three in the fucking morning." He rubbed his eyes before going back to his room. Rae followed like a lost puppy.

"Why not? I have nowhere else to go."

"Eli? I'm sure he has a nice comfy bed waiting for you."

"Oh, yeah, that's probably not a good idea." She laughed and took a seat at the corner of his bed as he put his rifle back in his closet.


"I told him we fucked."

Jacob didn't react like John did when Grace found out. He laughed. "I'm sure that went well."

"I didn't really give him a chance to react. I learned that trying to hide things is a mistake, so I decided to be an open book. Worked pretty well, I'm on my own now. No one to tell me what to do. I'm my own boss."

Jacob sat next to the woman. Close enough that their thighs touched.

"Good job, soldier. That's not easy to do. It feels great, doesn't it?"

"Don't you have a boss, though?" she raised her eyebrow and looked up at him.

"Yeah, in a way. But I don't let him boss me around. I won't let 'em."

She nodded. "I respect that."

Silence filled the room for only a few seconds. Jacob's curiosity broke him.

"Why did you come here, deputy? It's not just because you were in the area."

She shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe the idea that I'm free is getting to my head. I can do whatever I want. If I wanted to fuck you again, I could. If I wanted to kill you, I could."

Jacob laughed, "I wouldn't go that far."

She laughed, too, and nudged his arm. "You know what I mean."

"Well, it's late. You're 'your own boss,' but you look and smell awful. Take a shower, I can lend you some stuff. If you want, you can even stay."

She looked back up at him and smiled. "Thanks, mountain man."

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