Chapter Fourteen - Jacob Seed

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When she woke, she found herself in a different place. She was locked in a cage.

"Fuck," she whispered. "Now I'm Jacob's pet." She said the last line in a mocking tone.

She stood up slowly, her head hurting. She looked around and saw what was happening. People were being beaten, some were hysterically crying, and others were knocked out like she was before. This was where everything happened. This is where ordinary people turned into murderers and psychopaths.

Her hands latched around the bars of her cage as she shook it. She screamed for someone to let her out. The soldiers had been ordered to not touch her, to let Jacob handle her. But that didn't mean they couldn't yell at her.

"Shut the fuck up! No speaking!"

She wasn't afraid of him. "Bite me."

She saw in his face that he wanted nothing more than to beat her. But she laughed at him when he had to refrain himself.

The same soldier, as she was laughing, walked away. She watched as he went inside the building with a sign that said "Veteran's Center."

The cage she was in was fairly large. Enough to comfortably fit four people. But they were generous enough to allow her to be alone.

The soldier had started to come back, and she smiled that she could fuck with him again. However, her smile dropped when the man himself, Jacob Seed, accompanied him. Her stance remained tall, as she couldn't show fear to the man.

Jacob appeared in front of her cage. His arms crossed over his chest. She was overly intimidated by his size. He could break her like a twig if he wanted her. But to her benefit, he didn't want to. He had no interest in killing the woman.

"I hear you have a friendly mouth," he finally said after what felt like hours. He spoke quietly, and he had a deep, raspy voice.

"I only fuck with people who deserve it, war hero."

Jacob laughed, but it wasn't real. It was one of those laughs that you'd say 'shit' to.

"You might want to rethink your words, hero. You don't know who you're fucking with." He mocked her nickname for him. Jacob stepped closer to the cage and leaned his face down to directly in front of her's.

"I'm more than aware of who I'm fucking with. And I'm not scared," she lied.

He stood straight. Without a word, he unlocked her cage. She nearly took a run for it, but realized that it wouldn't be a smart idea. She waited for Jacob to speak, and she did as he said.

He grabbed her aggressively by the back of her neck and led her into the building.

"You know, if we were in a different setting, I wouldn't mind you holding me like that," she teased.

"Shut up," he ordered, squeezing tighter.

He led her through hallways. They earned some weird looks from passing cultists. A resistance member had never stepped foot into the Veteran's Center. They were shocked at Jacob's actions more than anything.

"Where are we going?"

"I said shut up." His grip tightened on her neck again. Surely she would have a Jacob-sized handprint there in the morning.

"Yes, sir," she said sarcastically.

She could actually hear him getting annoyed. He sighed, which turned more into a low growl.

Finally, he brought her to a room. The room had a desk and two uncomfortable looking chairs.

"Sit, and stay until I tell you to move," he ordered once again.

She didn't want to push him more than she already did. So she nodded and sat. He climbed into his chair behind the desk and continued his working.

"What am I doing here?" she asked.

"Goddamn, you never stop talking, do you?"

She shook her head no. He ignored the woman and focused more on his work. She decided, finally, that she would leave the man alone.

All day, he worked. He frequently left the office and let her stay alone, which surprised her. However, she was too afraid to disobey, so she kept her seat.

Finally, Jacob announced that it was time to leave. As she stood, she didn't realize just how uncomfortable she was. Her ass had fallen asleep, as she could barely feel it.

Regardless of her own comfort and feelings, she followed closly behind Jacob. He walked at a fast pace, given that he had long legs. She nearly had to jog to keep up with him.

He led her to a truck, where he prompted her to get in. She did, and remained silent the entire ride.

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