Chapter Twenty Six - A Small Heart

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As Joseph gave John the okay to begin the atonement, he left the bunker. Finally, he had the story of her. God praised Joseph, as he had completed what he was told. He felt proud of himself, and his siblings, that they were able to get the deputy to reveal such information.

John, while in his bunker, was having fun. Tattoos and scars never looked so good on a person. 'Wrath' sat on her left shoulder, 'greed' was etched into her ribcage, 'pride' lived on her chest, and 'lust' was on her forearm.

"Yes," John whispered as he finished the last one. "Finally. You have come so far, Deputy Rae."

He planted a kiss on her unconscious forehead, and cleaned his artwork up. He decided to leave her in the chair until she woke up. Until then, he would continue on other confessions and atonements.

Jacob had grown impatient with Rae. Not because he thought he deserved an explanation, but just because he wanted her to be okay. He couldn't help but think the worst case scenario; that she had been caught by somebody who had killed her.

So he called his brothers.

"John, I haven't seen the deputy in 24 hours. Do you know where she could be?"

"Why are you worried?" John snickered.

"She's not our enemy anymore, I gave her a place to stay. She left me a note last night saying she'd be back, but she hasn't been here." Jacob unfolded the note that now sat on his desk. He looked over her handwriting.

"Sounds to me like she doesn't want to return, Jacob," John teased.

"John, I'm being serious," Jacob persisted.

"I am too."

Jacob sighed before hanging up on his brother. He traced his fingers over the ink on the note. He laughed when he noticed an outline of a small heart that had been erased.

John thought about her story. She arrives to Hope County in attempt to arrest Joseph. She fucks up Holland Valley before sleeping with him. When John retaliates her actions, she sleeps with him again. Then she fucks with the Whitetail Mountains, then sleeps with Jacob. And here they are now.

Jacob wondered what was going through her mind. Does she actually like me? Or does she like the thought of me? No one had had feelings for Jacob since before he left for Iraq, something seemed off about it.

He pushed the thought out of his mind. He just thought about her, and if she was okay. It would he pointless to call Joseph, if he had anything to do with her, there isn't a chance he would say.

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