Chapter Twenty Seven - Free Woman

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Rae looked around her, and she recognized the room immediately. The first place she had met John Seed. Except this time, she was stripped of her clothes. Tears brimmed in her eyes as she pulled at the ropes as hard as she could.

"JOHN!" she screamed as loud as she could.

Her voice echoed and rang in her ears. It caused her to cringe. She didn't realize that her head was pounding.

Immediately as the echo simmered down to a whisper, she heard the sound of shoes on concrete. But she had no idea where they were coming from.

"Deputy, welcome to the real world," John said from behind her.

"What the hell did you do to me?" she asked through gritted teeth.

"Oh, don't you remember?" He appeared in front of her. His expression disgusted Rae.

"Take a look at yourself," he picked up a little mirror from the table next to him. He held it in front of her body.

Two fingers traced across every scar that he left on her body. She remained still as she focused on each one.

"I- I don't remember-"

John put the mirror down and knelt down in front of her. "You remember. You confessed. Everything, Rae."

"How did I... what?"

John only laughed. He placed a hand on her knee. "It's okay to not remember right now. Just understand that you are free from sin. You can walk with us through Eden's Gate."

"Where is Jacob?" she asked, disregarding everything he had said. He was the one thing she could remember.

"Well, he is at his house, of course. He asked about you."

"Can you let me go?"

She was done fighting. If she truly confessed, then she lost. There was no purpose in fighting anymore.

John nodded. He took a pocketknife and cut the ropes on her wrists and ankles. She wanted to hide herself, but there would be no point. John had already seen everything, and he had probably spent an unhealthy amount of time staring at her while she was confessing.

"What can I do?" she asked as she stood to look for her clothing.

"Whatever you'd like, of course. You're a free woman, Rae!" he grabbed ahold of her shoulders and held them firmly. Before pulling away, he placed another kiss on her forehead. He then left the room.

Those words rang in her ears. Whatever she'd like. She'd like to do many things. Kill John, run to Jacob, leave Hope County, call the national guard. There were countless things that ran through her head.

When she finally found her clothing, she looked in front of the mirror again. She wanted to cry when she actually looked at herself.

I'm not me anymore, she thought. I don't know who I am.

She wiped the few tears that had fallen. She made her decision on "whatever she'd like."

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