Chapter Thirteen - Eli

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The feeling of cold concrete was felt below her body. Her head throbbed, otherwise she would look to see her surroundings. She had thought she was captured by Jacob already. But she assumed it would be more painful, and louder than this. The smell of blood swarmed her nose and throat. When she finally gained the strength to open her eyes, she was greeted by- to no surprise- corpses. At least eight of them.

Her eyes fell shut again just as two figures walked into the room. The voices sounded muffled to her.

"Eli, this one is alive," a man hovered over Rae said. He shook her shoulder to confirm that her breathing wasn't just a hallucination.

"You know what to do, then. Grab them, we'll bring-"

"Eli, it's the fucking deputy!" Of all people, Eli and the younger man, who went by Wheaty, didn't expect to see her in this room.

Even through their astonishment, they still did their job. They brought her back to the Wolf's Den. The place Dutch had spoken to her about. She couldn't see where they were taking her, she only could listen. She noticed a change of rooms when the smell went from blood to coffee.

Once they had gotten her out, they placed her on a couch. She wished she could have sat up and spoke to them, but instead she fell asleep.

To her, the rest felt like five minutes. But in reality, she had been unconscious for fourteen hours. Finally, once she had woken up, she noticed a man watching her from a chair next to the doorway. Initially she thought it was weird. But at second thought, she understood. No one could be trusted.

"You're up," be said before she fully gained consciousness, "once you're ready, Eli wants to have a word with you."

Slowly, she sat up and rubbed her eyes. The room around her reminded her of Dutch's bunker. It had similar posters, similar design. If she didn't know any better, she'd have thought that's where she was. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't remember how she got here. She remembered getting gas, and that was it. And the corpse room.

When she finally thought she was ready, she stood up. The table next to her was used to support her when she almost fell. Her vision went black for a few seconds and came back the longer she stood. She then made her way through the den to find the man, Eli.

"Deputy, glad to see you concious," he attempted at joking. "Welcome to the Whitetail Mountains. You came just at the right time."

She rubbed her eyes. "What do you mean?"

"Jacob shook you up a bit. You don't remember anything, do you?" He leaned forward on the table in front of him with his two palms laying flat.

She shook her head no.

"Yeah. He takes the cult members who show the most potential and 'trains' them. You don't know what you're being trained for until it's too late."

"Do you know?"

"I know he's planning an attack on us. But how, when? I don't know. Anyways, he knows how goddamn strong you are. They'd benefit from having you on their side. He's training you to go against the Whitetails. But we aren't worried, we know you're on our side and can end this for good."

She nodded. "Thank you, then. What's first?"

"Well, I have a map here for you." He stood straight and folded up the map that once rested under his palms. "Marked all the places the cult has taken from us. You take them back, it would really help. Thanks, dep."

"Yeah," she said. She saw her backpack sat next to the door. Her weapons were long lost, but they had a healthy supply of them. Anything she wanted was at her disposal.


Her first order of business was the Baron Lumber Mill. Dutch said his niece, Jess Black, was held captive there. She was in the next bunch to be sent through Jacob's tests.

Everything went smoothly, without issues. She finally got to meet Jess, who Dutch spoke highly of. Before getting back to work, they had a few pleasant conversations about Dutch. Stories told by Jess about the past, and stories told by Rae about how he 'bosses' her around.

"I have a lot to do. Orders from the big man, Eli," Rae stated.

"To say thanks, I can come with. Help you out. If you'd like," Jess offered.

Rae smiled, "that would be great, Jess. Thank you."

The two made their way through the mountains until night came. The pair made a lot of progress. Once the moon was directly above, they made their way back to the Wolf's Den.

However, Jess, halfway through their walk, traveled alone the rest of the way without even knowing it.

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