Chapter Twenty Five - The Bliss

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That night, Jacob returned to his home expecting his girl sitting on the couch. Maybe reading a book or even sleeping. But instead he was greeted with a letter.

I've gone out, but I will be back. Don't wait up for me.
Your soldier,

He wanted to be upset, but he only focused on the last part. Rae. The name fit her perfectly.

Jacob folded the note and stuffed it into his pocket. It was ten at night, he wondered what she could possibly doing at this hour. And how long she had been there. He was only worried about her.

Regardless of what the letter said, he waited up for her. He made himself something fast for dinner, and he changed out of his work clothes. Then he found a seat in his chair, and tried his hardest to stay awake for her arrival.

Just as Jacob was getting home, Rae was being strapped to a chair in John's bunker. She didn't know what was going on, as she was unconscious after Faith finally got her wish. Joseph may not know about that yet, but that's okay. Some things are meant to be private.

She, though, was speaking in her sleep. She was in the deepest part of her mind, allowing Faith to manipulate her thoughts.

"Let the Father set you free!" she exclaimed as she twirled in circles. Faith held her hands out to the deputy. She hesitantly grabbed them, and Faith pulled her in a run.

Once she slowed down, she picked two white flowers and handed them to the deputy. They smelled wonderful, she could get lost in them forever.

"Where am I?" the deputy asked. The place around her was beautiful. The sky was covered in clouds, but she knew that it was a bright blue. There were animals that she had never seen before. Beautiful, nonetheless. Lastly, her eyes settled on a large white tree.

"You're in the bliss, silly! I'm here to help you."

"What do I need help with?"

"Shh, just listen!" Faith never lost her contagious smile.

She brought the deputy to a circle of people. All in cultist attire. None of them judged her, though. They only gave her a smile and said "welcome."

She sat cross-legged, and listened. She couldn't hear anything.

"What am I listening for?"

"Just wait, he'll be here any second!"

She was right. After just a few seconds, Joseph stood before them. He began preaching to the small circle. About the beauty of forgiveness and confession. Everyone looked up at him with such admiration. He went around the circle and touched everyone's foreheads, as he prayed for each person.

Lastly, he came to Rae. She felt the warmth of the Father's hand caress her forehead, before he began speaking.

"God, I ask that you give your child sight. Allow her to see what is in the dark; give her purpose. Expose her sins for her to see, allow her to be forgiven."

Joseph knelt down to Rae's height. He took his hand off of her head and looked into her eyes.

"Despite all that you have done, you are not beyond salvation. You can still open yourself up to me. You can be still forgiven, Rae."

Joseph had an interesting look in his eye. It was captivating.

"You can confess. Anything you have to tell me."

"Aren't confessions supposed to be private?" she asked the Father.

He stood and motioned around her. Everyone had disappeared. Including Faith.

"Come, walk with me," the Father suggested. He held out a hand for her to grab. She took his hand and used his assistance to stand. He held his arm out for her to hold onto, and she obliged.

"What do you have to say to me, Rae?"

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