Chapter Eight - King-Sized Bed

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That night, she was too ashamed in herself to stay anywhere comfortable. She was afraid of slipping up her most secret information to the wrong people. Finally, she decided to simply pull her truck into somewhere in the forest. She had three blankets and one pillow, courtesy of Mary May. Before parking, she made sure she was in a safe location. Then she took two of the three and spread them across the bed of the truck.

She finally crawled in and lied on her back. She looked up at the stars through the semi-bare trees. If she had payed more attention in high school, she might be able to point out some constellations above her. This was one of the times the question "when are we ever going to use this in real life?" came in handy.

Her hands rested on her stomach as they rose and fell gently from her soft breathing. Lying in a bed of a truck wasn't the ideal bed, but to her surprise, it was somewhat comfortable.

Her eyes slowly began to shut as she thought of the reason she was there. How she had managed to end up in Hope County, Montana. How she managed to end up in a beat-up cultist pickup truck in the middle of nowhere. Thankfully, though, her thoughts didn't last long, as she fell asleep as soon as her eyes stayed shut.

The same night, John hadn't gotten a lick of sleep. He had spent it sitting at his desk, unable to get his work done. All day long, he seemed to have had a hard time staying focused. And he didn't have a clue as to why.

Perhaps it was his brother, and the talk they had shared. Or maybe it was the idea that the deputy was still on the loose. Either way, John hadn't been able to sleep well for weeks. Tonight was the first night he didn't even bother attempting.

John had looked out the window at just the right time, though. In the distance, he had seen a pair of headlights in the woods. His eyebrows furrowed as he stood and made his way to the window. He watched as the headlights stood still for a few seconds, and then turned off.

Maybe just a hunter, he thought to himself. He turned his back and returned to his desk. Suddenly, the words started to make sense. He was able to focus on what was being said. He wasn't sure where the burst of attention came from, but he also didn't question it. He was just thankful he was able to get something done, so Joseph wouldn't be more suspicious than he already was.

By only an hour later, John had caught up on most of his work. And by then, he felt the bags on his eyes weigh him down more. This is where he decided he should try and sleep, after all.

He sleepily walked down the hall to his bedroom, where his king-sized bed greeted him nicely. John ran a hand through his hair before laying himself down, in an attempt to finally sleep.

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