Chapter Sixteen - Leave

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She had remembered what happened between her and John, and the conversations that came after. When she realized that it would never happen again, and that there was no commitment, she didn't feel guilty for what she was wanting to attempt. After all, he did promise her that her sin was lust. And she finally believed it, too, after her second time with John.

Jacob still sat at his desk in his office. She still sat in the uncomfortable chair in the corner of the room. She watched as he flipped through papers and read what was on them. One could only assume they were details on his projects.

Without second thought, she stood quietly. She knew that if she made too big of a scene, Jacob would yell again. His yelling didn't bother Rae, but she would prefer him not to.

She slowly strided over to the focused man, trying to avoid making the wood floors creak. When she finally reached him, he said quietly, "can I help you?"

She placed a hand softly on his shoulder and rubbed it gently from behind. It didn't budge him.

"You seem stressed out," she declared. She kept her hand still before leaning her head down to beside his ear. "Very stressed out."

She could only see the back of his head, but she knew he rolled his eyes. However, she knew he felt something. The tension grew in the room.

"I'm fine," he muttered as he continued to scan through the papers. She knew it was working, because by this point, he would have yelled to tell her to sit back down.

"You're not fine, Jacob, and it's okay. Maybe you just need a sort of release." She put a hand on each of his shoulder, and leaned down to where her chest was against his back. Now is where she could start feeling him squirm a bit. She understood how John must have felt that day, trying to lure her in. Now the roles were reversed. It was fun.

Jacob slammed his pen down and stood. He quickly asserted his dominance as he shoved her against the wall by her throat. He towered over the woman, making it that much better.

"You obviously don't know what you're doing, soldier. You should think things through a little more." His voice was quiet, just above a whisper. She bit her lip at how raspy it sounded.

"I've thought about it," she whined, "and that makes me need you so much more." She knew Jacob would be a sucker for begging.

She didn't see him as the kind of man to lead up to anything. No foreplay. Jacob had a vibe that he just wanted to get on with it. But the time he took was to be determined, that all depended on how he felt in the moment.

She realized she was halfway right. He released his hand on her throat, but just long enough to send bites down. She could tell he tried to make them painful, in an attempt to get her to back down. But she refused to, as bad it did hurt.

"You don't know what you're getting yourself into, little girl." He said as he pulled his head away from her neck. He had the slightest amount of blood on his lower lip.

She raised an eyebrow to test him. He grabbed her by the throat again, this time harder. She yelped at the pressure on her bite marks. Jacob loved the sound, and wanted to hear it again. He turned them around quickly as he slammed her back onto his bed. She smirked at him; perhaps she was right. Maybe he did just need a release of some sort.

He tore her shirt to reveal her body. Frankly, she didn't care. The dominance he showed made her that much more excited. He threw the material across the room, not looking where it landed. She lied on the bed with her legs hanging off the end. He knelt down between them, and slowly made his way up from the waistband of her jeans back up to her neck. Jacob's hands engulfed her's above her head, locking them down. He left a trail of bite marks, and she couldn't help but admire them.

He stood, hovering over her once he got back to her neck. He ran his tongue across the fresher bites and sucked slightly. She craned her neck to the side to give him more access to her. He moved his hands back down to her waist, freeing her hands. He dug his fingers into her.

"You have one more chance to back out," he growled into her ear.

"I bet that's what you want me to do," she teased again.

He gave her a chuckle, "it would make the hunt for you much more exciting."

He sat up and removed his clothing quickly. She decided to help him by removing the rest of her's, too. Jacob, once he was fully naked, grabbed her by the thighs. He effortlessly picked her up and laid her back on the bed, this time so her head was on the pillow.

He hovered over her and looked into her silver eyes. She saw the readiness and the hunger in his, while he saw a sparkle in her's. He shook his head at the emotion he felt for a split second, and got back into character.


He flipped her over so she was lying on her stomach. He balled her hair up into a fist in one hand, pulling hard. His the other hand helped his balance next to her. He gave her no warning as he rammed himself into her, earning a pleasured scream from the woman. Her eyes squeezed shut as tears filled them, and her mouth fell open. Jacob loved hearing her pain again.

She couldn't help but scream and make loud noises for him. She had never felt this way before, and she wanted him to know it. He took the hand that was in her hair and placed it on the back of her neck. He shoved her head into the pillow, but not to hurt her. Her face looked to the side, and the pillows muffled her noises.

Jacob, on the other hand, was quiet. The only noises were low grunts and growls. She got more excited at his low noises. His growls made her bite her lip, and his grunts made her want more.

He never slowed down, as tired as he got. He kept his soldier attitude even in bed. Even as he finished, he still moved as fast and as hard as he could, until he was done. She couldn't deny that he made her feel ways she had never felt before.

As he pulled out, she whimpered at the sudden loss of contact, earning a smirk from Jacob. Almost immediately after, he realized what he had done. He didn't quite regret it, but he understood there would be consequences that he would have to deal with.


"Leave," was the first thing he had said to her. He rolled off of the woman, leaving her exposed.

"Leave? Don't you want round two later?" she teased as she sat up. Her lower body ached to no end, but she already craved more.

Jacob pulled his clothes on as quickly as he could. He stared into her eyes. With only his jeans on, he grabbed the still-nude woman by her jaw and forced her to look up. He planted a firm kiss on her lips. He continued to find his clothes distributed around the room.

"You are free to leave," Jacob said again.

"Don't miss me too much," she joked as she finished getting her clothes back on. Before leaving the room, she swore she saw the slightest smile grow on his lips.

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