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Sorry for the late update. I had the most terrible cramp and all I did was cry the entire day.

I was searching for Nayeon the entire day. But it was like that girl disappeared. How dare she said she'll never talk to me.

After everything we've been through, I cannot let her walk away like that! Who does she think she is to take my decisions for me.

I tried explaining Mina but it was like she didn't want to believe anything else that what Nayeon said. She thought I was protecting her.

I groaned in frustration when the last bell rang. She hadn't received my calls or seen my messages. She hadn't even showed up in class!

I didn't want to stop my search for her but Mina tugged my sweater and asked me to take her home as always. I couldn't say no.

As we were walking towards her home, she demanded to have a new date this weekend. I didn't say anything in return but she thought I agreed so she smiled in satisfaction.

After leaving her home, I decided to go to Nayeon's as she could not hide away after school.

But it turned out she was with her friends. All the girls except Mina were hanging out today.

I sighed it relief knowing that she was not alone but still I called Jungyeon to confirm.

After Jungyeon confirmed she ended the call immediately which only meant they all knew now.

I sighed and started walking home.

I don't care about anything else but I would not let my best friend go away from me. Not when I just got her back.

I'll do whatever it takes Nayeon.

Twice's comeback in June YAY

Be happy and be safe.

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