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Author's P.O.V.

Mina was waiting for Nayeon to come to school for about a hour now. How was she supposed to know when everyone comes when she was one of the first person to come to school.

She finally saw her and skipped next to her wishing her a good morning.

She made sure to stick next to Nayeon the whole day and talk about Jaehyun making Nayeon confuse and angry.

For Nayeon, she was bragging about having Jaehyun as her boyfriend so she kept bringing him in everything.

But she knew that Mina was not the type to do these things so she didn't say anything to her.

During classes, Mina sat next to Nayeon and she would bring him in everything she could.

During lunch she sat in front of Nayeon and made Jaehyun sit next to her.

The other girls would occasionally stare at Mina and Nayeon while Nayeon and Jaehyun kept ignoring each other the whole time.

They were sitting next to each other but it looked like they were sitting in two different worlds.

Mina sighed as her plan was not working and she knew she had to do things a bit harder now.

After lunch, Mina dragged Nayeon again to the class while Jaehyun was left dumbfounded.

"Don't be around Jaehyun." She said and made a cute angry face.

"You made me sit there." Nayeon said crossing her arms.

"That is because I didn't wanted to sit next to her!" She said while continued being angry for no reason.

"What are you talking about?" Nayeon asked and Mina sighed dramatically.

"You know how it gets awkward between two people after a breakup?" Mina asked Nayeon who nodded not understanding what Mina was trying to tell her.

"So it's awkward between us right now. Since we broke up yesterday." Nayeon's eyes widened and her hands dropped.

"We should have never been together to start with. What we were was only limited to friendship." Mina explained while smiling and trying to hide her sad voice.

"Oh I'm really sorry. It was because of me. Because I kissed him." Nayeon said now panicking making Mina panic too.

"Stop panicking Nayeon!" Mina said and asked her to take a deep breath.

"We didn't break up because you kissed him or he kissed you. We broke up because we weren't meant for each other." She said with a smile that Nayeon knew was a sad one.

"I'm sorry." Nayeon breathed out slowly and Mina nodded.

"I'm sorry too. For keeping him away from you." Nayeon looked at her confused.

"I don't know what you mean but I can talk to Jaehyun and maybe you guys can talk." Nayeon was about to go search for him but Mina held her arm.

"There's no need Nayeon. When you see him, don't talk about me. Solve everything between you too. Don't think about me anymore." Mina said hiding her tears.

"But you two love each other."

"We don't. He loves another. Besides I never loved him once." Mina said and let go of Nayeon's hand.

Nayeon was furious and now in search of Jaehyun to kick some sense in him.

While Mina now let her tears free, she let her love go.

Jaehyun is one lucky boy.

Be happy and be safe

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