Chapter 16

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It's happened again..

Why and how does this keep happening to me?

I'm led on the office floor, looking up at the white ceiling tiles, feeling the tough carpet under my fingertips whilst I let my body adjust to what has happened. Thinking feels thick and sluggish, whilst my limbs feel like lead.

The metallic taste in my mouth tells me that I've bitten my tongue or my cheek and that it has bled. The damp patches under my arms tells me that my body temperature has rocketed. Well, that and the fact someone has moved the desk fan onto the floor so that it is breezing over my face occassionally.

It's nice

It takes me a while to recognise Mia and Sophie. It's known that after a Grand Mal seizure, the big floor dropping seizure, that you get confused. Very confused.

"Elle?" Mia asks touching my arm gently.

"W-w... W-water." I struggle out.

"Stop." Mia says to Sophie who taps her phone. "How long?"

"15 minutes from the moment she stopped." Sophie replies, showing Mia her phone.

Mia moves, putting herself behind me and bringing a bottle of water to my mouth. I choke on the first bit before making myself swallow the cool liquid, I try to keep my head still, but all the energy has been taken out of me, and I have to let Mia support my head too.

"Sorry." I croak.

"Don't you apologise to me." Mia answers.

"Or me." Sophie says, putting her phone on the side and looking over me. "No visible injuries.. Do you hurt anywhere? I know it's a dumb question right now.."

I'm barely able to shake my head for a no and feel the tiredness coming over me again. My eyes feel almost impossible to keep open, causing them to roll.

"Mia, she's going again..."

"No she isn't." Mia says lifting my wrist and looking at my watch. "She's exhausted."

I can only just register Henry's voice when I fall back to sleep.


"There we go." Sophie says helping me onto the couch at home. I instantly move myself to lay down whilst she grabs a blanket and drapes it over me.

"At least I didn't pee myself." I say causing her to stop.

"So are we marking that as a positive?"

I nod against the soft pillow. "Small mercies."

Mia walks in, carrying my bag and a new bottle of water. She sets it down with painkillers and begins setting up my little camp.

"I can do it.."

"And so can I. So just hush and let me." Mia says pulling the coffee table over and putting my phone onto charge. Everything is within reach, except the toilet.

"Are you sure about being down here?" Sophie asks. "What if you need the bathroom?"

"Then I'll use the stairs.. Here is perfect. I'm too tired right now." I don't miss the look she gives Mia. "I don't need anyone to stay, either. You've both done enough for me... Drinks are on me. At some point."

"Don't worry about that now." Sophie says coming over and pushing my hair off my face. "Just rest up."

"I will."

"Henry is giving you a couple days off." Mia says before I can protest she adds "And don't try to refuse, this one was a little more powerful than the others. We both know that."

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