Chapter 21

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Zak POV.

What is it?

What is it about her?

I'm staring hard at Elle who is across the room, with her feet upon the couch with Gracie draped across her legs whilst her laptop is balanced on her lap.

"Stop it." She says making my eyes look up to her face. "I can feel your stare. It's... Distracting."

I smile, I can't help it. It's like an involuntary reflex when she is around.

She reaches up and adjusts her ponytail, before stretching her arms and going back to work.

Maybe it's the easiness of being around her? Her aura and calmness.

Or the way she is quiet content with Gracie being asleep on her?

Or the way the sun mirrors off her hair?

"Voice overs won't do themselves."
She sings making me smile again.

"You're gonna bust my balls today?"

"Do I have to?" She asks looking over at me.

God I hope so..

The playful look in her eyes makes me want to abandon work and do ungodly things right in the middle of the lounge. Glass front doors or not. Who cares who comes over, it's their fault if they see more than they should.

"You've got a naughty look in those eyes." She says, calling me out instantly.

"It's what you do to me."

She laughs "All that charm."

"I try my best." I answer before letting her go back to work.

I adjust the laptop on my lap, trying to make myself a little more comfortable whilst also eyeing Elle over the top of it. That way, I'll be able to look away quicker if she looks over.

Work, how can I work?

Even though she is here, sat before me, I'm still watching her.

She didn't need to know that I spent half of last night reading about seizures, watching videos on what I should do if one happens or that I'm here, right now looking at monitors when she has already told me that she doesn't need another one.

I hadn't know Elle that long, but it irked me that Mia would be the first point of call if anything happened. With my job, I knew it was fruitless to have me as it too, but I wanted an in. If Elle had a seizure whilst I was away, I wouldn't know and right now that wasn't sitting right with me.

"Oh, sorry babe." Elle says to Gracie as she reaches down and plucks her bag off the floor. Gracie lifts her head, looking a little annoyed at the awakening, but eagerly settles herself back down when Elle puts her bag back onto the floor.

I watch as she unravels the wire to the ear buds and sticks one in. "I've got some audio typing to do.. I'll wear these so I don't distract you from staring too much." She teases.

"I am trying." I tell her.

"Uh-huh. How is that going for you?"

"Harder than I thought." I admit as she smiles, with a shake of her head, the other ear bud goes in, cutting off our communication for a while.

I knew Billy would be busting my balls if I didn't do it, but whilst Elle was here, I wanted to do something other than work. I wanted to spend time with her, and I guess this was a form of that.

Maybe I just wanted her attention on me?

Work Zak. Let's get this done, let her work and then you've got her to yourself.

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