Chapter 40

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"Talk to me." Zak urges as we sit in the car outside the doctors.

We had just been in, together and sat down with my doctor to arrange some alternative medication, as mine wasn't working.

After almost two weeks, Zak put his foot down and drove me across Vegas to my doctor. He came in with me, armed with evidence that I didn't know he had. Whilst I was having my narcoleptic sleeps, I was also having warning signs of a seizure. I had no idea. Neither did Zak until my doctor explained what was happening.

But I wished Zak had shown me what he had recorded, then I may have acted sooner, as shortly after the video was stopped, my doctor gave me a disapproving look.

"I've fucked up, haven't I?" Zak asks.

I look down at the medication I had previous to the new one. "No. I just..."

"Just what? Please talk to me."

Picking up Zak's hand, I hold it in both of mine. "I feel like I've gone back three steps. I'm back on medication that works but isn't strong enough."

"Which is why he gave you a higher dose. He consulted with a colleague... Did you not hear that bit?"

I shake my head confused. "I- when was that?"

He squeezes my fingers gently "Around the time you shut down.. A few seconds before you zonked out, maybe?"

I was fortunate enough to have a nap in the doctors too. One minute he was talking, the next I was waking up in Zak's neck. Humming at the smell of his cologne, as usual.

"Oh..." I answer. "So what did I miss?"

"Well he spoke to a colleague, they both reviewed your case, surgery was recommended.." He pauses as I groan. "He knew you didn't want that, so they both decided on a combi-pill. Your old medication with another one. You didn't hear any of this?"

I shake my head.

Now I was super glad Zak made me come to this appointment as my denial about how bad it was, was pretty high. I was so desperate for the new medication to work that I was willing to overlook all the problems.

Apparently I had lost weight, I couldn't see it but I knew my eating habits were non-existent. I was keeping some food down, but not a lot. Zak was also the one to point that out...

"He's hoping this new medication will work. There's others he can try, but surgery is looking-"

"I don't want to do that though." I moan.

"Okay. But why not? Explain your fear of this?"

I look over at him incredulously "In case I don't wake up? That's a pretty big incentive not to have it done. I don't want them up in my head squirrelling around!"

"Not even if it keeps you safe?"

"I am safe. I got you." I tell him with a small frown.

"When I'm home, yeah. But I'm in the road tomorrow."

I grumble, knowing his life is travelling, but I have yet to accept that I won't see him for a week. I've become reliant upon him. His aura, his warmth, his safety.  "I know..."

He gives a sigh. "Look, you may or may not be pissed off about this. If you are, then I guess I'm gonna spend the entire day making it up to you. But I got you something."

He let's go of my hand to reach inside the glove compartment. I wait as he brings out a small box and sets it down on my lap.

"What is it?"

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